Update on US Marine being held in Mexican jail.
FOX Latino News has an update on the US Marine being held in a Mexican prison.

Apparently the Mexican authorities are claiming that barral on his antique shot gun was "too Short".
However someone did manage to get a photograph of him in his cell.


This Marine has been held in that stinking prison since AUGUST. Does no one in this Obama federal government have any idea on how to do their job to get this man out of there?



I guess since this Obama adminstration is willing to let four Americans die in Benghazi, one more dumb-ass US Marine is certainly not worth their time to even ask the Mexicans about.

How Bout-it Prez, Can you possibly make some sort of effort and pick up a telephone and maybe call Mexico and make some effort to free this Marine???????

Or is that too freeking much to ask?

Perhaps Obama would rather hold out until somebody decides the Marine could be a good swap for the blind Sheik maybe.





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  • Too bad, we as private citizens, cant throw Obama in Prison for fraud and treason

    • We Can.    Read the Constitution and the federalist papers.

  • Obama can only do what benefits him. Like giving performances at church services, faking a tear on national TV. Us there an international organization that can intervene?

  • Obama and his minions are interested in Muslim Brotherhood issues, not "Marines in Mexico" issues. His Fast & Furious fiasco put the narco cartels in the news, so they don't appreciate the notoriety. The Zeta cartel will want to swap the Marine for one of their leaders in US jail or use him as a pawn in the near future.

  • With all our Govt does for these freaking Mexicans (against our will), you'd think one phone call could get this poor guy released.  Obama administration is a complete DISGRACE.

  • He is former military and obummer wants the veterans dead.

  •   Our Government is a Fraud today. Those in Washington today are nothing but a bunch of bought worthless Traitors. Our Judicial System is a Joke. Our Military leaders have become Cowards.For the last 60 years our Government has failed to let our Soldiers to win a War. As it is all about the Money that Lobby and Special Interests cram in their back pockets. There is only 1 way to take our Government back and nothing will ever happen to do it. So we keep on blogging and BSing and nothing will get done ever until We The People Wake The He!! Up ......

  • Change the government.  Change the congress, change the president, change the federal judges and most of all,

    get totally rid of every son of a bitch lefty working in the bureaucratic alphabet soup of DC. 

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