Support Glenn Beck - Sign Petitions & Free Faxes @ CIA In Action (CIA)Free Faxes @ The Fax Center of CIA Petitions @ C.I.A. Action Alert Center Glenn Beck Beck Advertisers in the crosshairsMichelle Oddis at Human Events is reporting...A racially charged activist group called “Color of Change” founded by Van Jones, a special advisor to the Obama Administration, is trying to silence popular radio and Fox News personality Glenn Beck by calling for a boycott of Beck’s TV advertisers.www.ColorOfChange.orgOn July 28th, Beck made a comment on the Fox & Friends morning show about Obama’s reaction to the arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. During the discussion of “Professor-Gate,” Beck connected the President’s past association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Obama’s comment that Cambridge police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, acted stupidly. Though Beck acknowledged most of the Obama administration is in fact white, he concluded that the President’s world experience made him a “racist.”Now “Color of Change” has bullied at least five of Beck’s big advertisers -- SC Johnson, Progressive Insurance,Geico, Procter & Gamble and Nexus Lexis -- to pull their ads from Beck’s national cable program. Jones, the founder of “Color of Change,” was named Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality -- a key administrative post -- this past March.Putting tax-payer dollars to dubious use, the not-for-profit organization has hired well-heeled Hollywood publicist Ken Sunshine to further instigate the boycott.Developing…Folks, Van Jones is the convicted felon, anarchist, communist, Black Nationalist who has been named Obama's Eco-jobs Czar. Nasty business here, folks.Over at Redstate, Erick Erickson has the red light flashing:Barack Obama’s brownshirts are after Glenn Beck.We can’t let them win. If they win with Beck, they’ll be emboldened to go after even more people.A while back, Glenn Beck called Barack Obama a “racist.” Given all the terrorists, thugs, and racists Barack Obama has chosen as close personal friends (see e.g. Rev. Wright), it’s not a stretch to say it.In fact, Obama’s Green Jobs Czar, the convicted felon and [Editor's Note: I actually find this on blogs, but haven't found it on a real news site, so I'm striking] self-declared communist Van Jones, has direct ties to the organization that’s trying to shut down Glenn Beck. Jones’s group has hired a big Hollywood PR firm and they are pressuring Glenn’s advertisers to stop advertising. If not, they’ll lead a boycott.We need to strike back and boycott these groups for ditching Beck. If they are going to fold so easily in the face of Obama brownshirts, we must push back. If not, who’ll be next?Here’s the list of the groups that have boycotted Glenn Beck. Let them know you disagree. Let them know you will boycott them for kowtowing to Barack Obama’s worshippers, brownshirts, goons, and thugs.SC Johnson:Fisk Johnson Chairman & CEOPhone: (262)260-2000Petrell OzbaySenior Global Public Affairs ManagerProgressive Insurance:Glenn Renwick, President & CEO- (440)461-5000Linda Harris, Advertising & SponsorshipsLinda_J._Harris@progressive.comGeico:Tony NicelyChairman, President & CEO, Insurance OperationsE-mail: 986-2462Chris Tasher, GEICO Media Relations301-986-3271ctasher@geico.comUPDATE: Matthew Vadum commented and also emailed to note he had written about this yesterday. You can read what he wrote here.Let's get busy.*****--THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOWWeeknights @ 9 pm ESTon BlogTalkRadio dot com***Opinion writing atRadioPatriot.blogspot dot comRadioPatriot.wordpress dot com***Weekly ColumnWorld Net DailyWND dot com***VOICE of LIBERTY Podcast NetworkContributorVoiceOfLibertyPodcast dot com
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As of 6:45 EST today, this petition site refuses to work. When I filled out the form and tried adding my name, I received a whole LIST of error messages! I guess the pretend-ident's internet czar is already at work! "Barry, where's the REAL birth certificate??? It's the LAW!!!" Radar, MI GOE
Typical Hitlerist action, brought to you today and every day at this time by the ZerObama Corporation. Today they attack the sponsors of their rival radio show, yesterday it was the Tea Baggers. Stay tuned for the action and predictions. We'll be right back after these words from our sponsors.
"Are you feeling tired and weary? Could you use some relief? We have the remedy and all it will cost you is half your paycheck for three hundred years, or $1,000,000,000.00 for the long range cure. We have a short cure version which we can offer but this cure only works for conservatives. Thy "FEMA DEATH CAMP" pills today and feel no pain tomorrow."
Now back to our show!
I would feel much better about helping Glenn Beck if he, Rush, Hannity, O'Rielly, and Huckabee would have helped those of us who have worked so hard to get the issue of Obama's Constitutional eligibility out in the open. These so called conservative talk show hosts have ignored this issue, and this is the one issue that would have removed Obama from the scene back during the primaries. If you don't believe this, just try to get a question dealing with this issue on the air during one of their shows. In their own way, they have sold us out in much the same way as the mainstream media has done.
That being said, these are the kind of tactics we can expect from this Chicago-Mob-Nazi regime that has taken up residence in our halls of government. The American people better get off of their butts and stand up to these thugs, or we will find ourselves without the means, or the right, to do so.
This is not "Conspiracy theory", as so many Obama's followers and other skeptics have tried to make it out to be. If they had seen the evidence I have seen, they would change their minds and demand that Obama's legitimate birth, education, medical, selective service, and passport records are exposed to the American people. This is dead serious, and we may have very little time left before matrial law is imposed, and our chance to respond is gone forever.
2365ifrpxsbto > Jon HubbardAugust 14, 2009 at 9:02pm
I can understand you being disappointed with the conservative talk show hosts for not taking people who question Obama's citizenship seriously. I was disappointed about that too. But this isn't just a Glenn Beck issue, this is a free speech issue. At least Glen and the others are in our corner for the rest of it. Who else do we have?
My wife and I are cancelling our automobile insurance with Geico. Even though it will cost a few bucks a month more and we are on limited income, we feel it is time to take a stand for what we believe. If companies are going to allow this administration to bully them and become subject of the czars they will not get our business. I hope more Americans will follow our lead and let these corporations know that they need our business to stay solvent. I will be calling Geico on Monday and canceling our policy and let them know the reason.
This is one of the things that it is going to take. I actually started my own little boycott of companies some 7 months ago. If you get into their pockets, they begin to understand.
Here is a little informatin n Van Jones. He was formerly a self-described "rowdy black nationalist," boasted in a 2005 interview with the left-leaning East Bay Express that his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class "justice." Served on the board of an environmental activist group at which a founder of the Weather Underground terrorist organization is a top director. He was a founder and leader of the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. He did spend time in jail around the time of the Rodney King trial in LA.
I've just sent a hot e-mail to each of these firms ... what a disastrous PR move on their part ... we just need to get out the word to everyone we know to boycott them ... and to follow through!!!!
"Are you feeling tired and weary? Could you use some relief? We have the remedy and all it will cost you is half your paycheck for three hundred years, or $1,000,000,000.00 for the long range cure. We have a short cure version which we can offer but this cure only works for conservatives. Thy "FEMA DEATH CAMP" pills today and feel no pain tomorrow."
Now back to our show!
That being said, these are the kind of tactics we can expect from this Chicago-Mob-Nazi regime that has taken up residence in our halls of government. The American people better get off of their butts and stand up to these thugs, or we will find ourselves without the means, or the right, to do so.
This is not "Conspiracy theory", as so many Obama's followers and other skeptics have tried to make it out to be. If they had seen the evidence I have seen, they would change their minds and demand that Obama's legitimate birth, education, medical, selective service, and passport records are exposed to the American people. This is dead serious, and we may have very little time left before matrial law is imposed, and our chance to respond is gone forever.
I can understand you being disappointed with the conservative talk show hosts for not taking people who question Obama's citizenship seriously. I was disappointed about that too. But this isn't just a Glenn Beck issue, this is a free speech issue. At least Glen and the others are in our corner for the rest of it. Who else do we have?