I send special needs only when there is an absolute critical need for action.........Terry Trussell is jeopardy of prison time and needs any help we can provide. I really do not know the details of Terry's case, but I am without doubt, Terry has/had no intention to violate any law.
I will be traveling to his location, God willing, for the court date and testify as best I can on Terry's behalf.
I have known Terry for over two years and hold him in extremely high regard, a patriot of the highest order, integrity unquestioned, still hold his constitutional oath to our US Constitution, a man of unquestioned loyalty to the United States, selflessness, always looking out for others, sacrificial as we witnessed during OAS mission...........write your own thoughts even if it's nothing more that asking the Judge for leniency, suspended sentence, probation, and mercy for a man that has never had any infractions with the criminal background, veteran...........
Below is an email I received today from Terry's wife, Marie..........please read it and begin immediately to do whatever you can to help Terry. There should be no reason that anyone associated with OAS cannot write a letter and send to the Judge and Terry's attorney supporting Terry based on what you know about Terry and for how long............
The request should also be sent to anyone you may know that is not part of PFA who might know Terry and can offer him support.
Terry has absolutely no criminal record prior to this event surrounding his participation as a Grand Jury foreman.
He served in Viet Nam in the Army for several years and was discharged in 1969. His is a veteran but not a military retiree.
Please note the short fuze time action: Support Letters must be mailed NLT July 15, 2016
If PFA cannot get a few thousand letters to the Judge and Terry's attorney, PFA might as well close down. I for one will be gone if we abandon Terry Trussell............
From Marie Trussell:
Hi Colonel Riley,
I am Terry Trussell's wife. Terry ask that I contact you for two reasons. As you probably know by now Terry was found guilty on 5 of the 14 counts with which he was charged.
1. His sentencing is scheduled for July 22nd at 10:00 am in courtroom A in Cross City. He is asking if you would testify at his hearing to his character to the extent that you know him. I realize that this a long trip for you and would understand if you can not. In addition, he also needs written "Character Letters for Sentencing". Basically, this letter tells the Judge that you are writing on Terry Trussell's behalf. You state your name, relationship to Terry and how long you have known him. Then discuss his positive and admiral traits, and any support contributions to his friends, and associates. If you would like to see sample guidelines for these type of letters, you may go to and look for "Some Guidelines for Letters at Sentencing". There are also other online sites available. Letters should be emailed to Inger Garcia, his lawyer at: by Friday, July 15th. Please let me know if you can do either or both.
2. Terry thinks that you have access to a large contact list of people. He needs people to write to the Judge requesting that he not sentence him to prison for essentially filing a police report. I am not stating this very well, but hopefully you get the idea since you know his charges. We would really like to flood the judges office with these letters! The judges name and address is:
Judge James C. Hankinson
Leon County Courthouse
301 South Monroe St, Rm. 301-F
Tallahassee, FL 32301
The same letter should also be emailed to Inger at her email list above.
If you could improve on my letter and send this request out to your contacts, we would be so appreciative! These letters are time sensitive. (July 15 to be mailed, in order to arrive before hearing).
Thank you for your friendship and support for Terry!
Marie Trussell
Write a letter that speaks from your heart of what you think should be said. It does not have to be long. Just a few sentences if that's all you can honestly say.
Sample is below but don't get hung up on format.........the important thing is to get a letter of some sort to attorney Garcia without delay. The attorney will review each letter. A sample letter is at the bottom.
Address the letter to the Court ....but do not send to the court.........send all letters to Attorney Garcia mailed by 15 July 2016 or earlier.
Beth Rissinger
Judicial Assistant to
Judge James C. Hankinson
301 South Monroe Street
Room 301-F
Tallahassee, FL 32301 a copy to Attorney Garcia and a signed letter sent to attorney Garcia at the address below via normal US mail.........
Attorney information:
Inger M. Garcia, Esq.
4839 Volunteer Road, #514
Davie, FL 33330
(954) 894-9962
Fax: (954) 446-1635
Cell: (954) 394-7461
SAMPLE LETTER/EXAMPLE (use what fits in your personal knowledge and judgement for Terry and family best interest and justice.) Keep in mind Terry is in his 70s age wise.........incarceration is not appropriate.
Address the letter to:
Beth Rissinger
Judicial Assistant to
Judge James C. Hankinson
301 South Monroe Street
Room 301-F
Tallahassee, FL 32301
RE: Terry Trussell
This letter is a letter of character regarding Mr. Terry Trussell.
My name is ____________________, (my status)________________________, Florida.
I know him to be an industrious, hardworking, family man who is community-minded and other-centered. He has worked hard in his community and, in fact, worked very hard in his profession.
I am aware of the events regarding ___________’s conviction, . I truly believe that _________ has already suffered extensively for his actions.
I believe that an extended prison term will serve as a tremendous hardship for his wife, who will bear the responsibility of trying to repay the costs of the court case and restitution. I believe that ________’s daughters, one of whom has assumed a large portion of the restitution cost, will be tremendously adversely affected if he is required to go to prison.
Because of the significant difficulties that will be faced by his family, who themselves were blameless in this action, I would ask for you, the judge, to grant __________ a sentence of probation or at least the lowest possible sentence. I believe that the loss of his credentials, his loss of accreditation for his vocation, and the loss of respect in the community, as well as those freedoms that he was afforded prior to his felony conviction, may have taken a bigger effect than keeping him out of the work force. He certainly will not be in a position to be able to repeat his offense and, quite frankly, I cannot imagine that he will ever repeat any illegal activity.
I am also aware of ____________’s health issues and, as a doctor, I believe that sending him to prison could amount to a death sentence. Because of his age, ___________. I believe that his care can only be managed by his current physicians, outside the prison.
Thank you for your consideration.
Col., I would be happy to help, but I do not know Terry and cannot state what I do not know to be true. I write letters for Jerry DeLemus, rotting in a NV prison (Bundy Ranch arrest) because I personally know him, for almost 7 years, and can attest to who he is as a person. I wish you and Terry the best, and will keep you both in my prayers.
I do not know him, so I can't write a letter but I will spread the word!
Col., I do not know Terry and it is hard to write a letter if one does not know the other person. However, If I knew the charges and the story behind his arrest I could mention my thoughts within that letter and also that he is highly thought of by others. Let me know the charges and the story behind his arrest. God Bless.
I do know Terry and set thru the 5 days of trial. He is one of the finest patriots this country has known. The state has prosecuted him as a whistleblower who exposed corruption. Both my wife and myself will write letters. If you don't know Terry or about the case, you owe it to yourself to learn. Visit or read Jason Hoyt's book, "Consent of the Governed". Trust me, Co. Riley knows what he is talking about. Support Terry! you have an specifics as to the charges/jury decision???????? Does anyone have the information.
Thanks to the Root family..........
The charges were basically "simulating a public official" for presenting two "True Bills" to the Clerk of Court. Terry was foreman of the grand jury in Dixie County. The state attorney corrupted the grand jury process and so he filed a seven page report detailing the problem with the judge who impaneled the grand jury. The judge wouldn't read and shredded it.
Col. Riley, Here are the charges. So glad you're coming down for the sentencing, Terry really needs our help. These charges they say can be 25 years or more and in Florida you hve to serve like 80% minimum. But it could be more like 9 yrs if we can help, the FL sentence worksheet is at
If sentences on all 5 counts was imposed consecutively, 8.75 years, or concurrently, in which more likely to be closer to 2 - 2.5 years. That's why this is so important.
Dixie County jail is better than the state horror prison so he's smart to stay in DCJ if he has to be there. We have to help him. Mark Schmitler has been spreading the word, haven't seen anythng from Jason Hoyt yet.
Rodger Dowdell knows a lot about this, has anybody heard from him? I'd expect hm to be there for sentencing and to help with the letters.
Charge Seq#
Thanks JP. Does anyone know why Terry didn't use the common law grand jury defense? Why are they saying he only filed a police report? I'm really confused.