Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS), a former Marine, told Greta Van Susteren last night that at every town hall he's held this month veterans want to know more about the Benghazi massacre and coverup. Roberts is concerned that the military no longer trusts that Obama has their back after he left the SEALs in Benghazi to die without any air support.

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  • I have 2 sons now serving and believe me I am terrified that he will send them into harms way and then if they need help NOT send it like he did in Benghazi. I am really terrified of just that. One of them is now deployed and in Japan but what happens if he is in harms way? Do I believe he would turn his back on him if his unit needed help? YES I DO.

  • He never did have their backs. obummer is out to destroy the US Military and to destroy the USA.

  • "Roberts is concerned that the military no longer trusts that Obama has their back after he left the SEALs in Benghazi to die without any air support."

    That line has got to be the over-all winner in this years Understatement-Of-The-Year award!

    Hopefully all this will be nothing more than a terrible nightmare and we will wake up Wednesday morning to find out Obama is T-O-A-S-T. Then we need to start bringing him up on murder charges for the Benghazi mess so he can spend his retirement years in prison collecting his huge pension while sitting on DEATH ROW!

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