Frontpage Magazine

Posted by Daniel Greenfield

The more we learn about what happened in Benghazi, the clearer things become.

Two U.S. intelligence officials told The Daily Beast that the intelligence community is currently analyzing an intercept between a Libyan politician whose sympathies are with al Qaeda and the Libyan militia known as the February 17 Brigade—which had been charged with providing local security to the consulate. In the intercept, the Libyan politician apparently asks an officer in the brigade to have his men stand down for a pending attack—another piece of evidence implying the violence was planned in advance.

The Martyrs of the Feb. 17 Revolution Brigade is Islamist and linked  with the Muslim Brotherhood. It was repeatedly accused of engaging in atrocities during and after the Libyan Civil War.

Many more-secular politicians in Libya are suspicious of Mr. Bukatef and his brigade because of their own Islamist reputation. He has been a member of Libya’s branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of his group’s commanders reporting to him is Ismail al-Salabi, who leads a group of Islamist fighters and is the brother of Libya’s most prominent Islamist thinker, Ali al-Salabi.

The State Department puts its faith in the Islamists… and the Islamists repaid them the way they always do.

US security officers and the Libyan authorities did not call for help from any formal military or police force — there is none to speak of — but turned to the leader of another autonomous militia with its own Islamist ties.

‘‘We had to coordinate everything,’’ said that militia leader, Fawzi Bukatef, recalling a phone call about the attack that he received from the mission’s security team.

I’m sure there was a whole lot of coordinating going on.

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  • And why does this action from Hillary Clinton and her State Department surprise you???  After all she has said that the Muslim Brotherhood is great for Egypt and the Mid-East and she sends them Billions of your and my tax dollars.

    • Hillary and her like-minded democrats have two things in mind and that is the destruction of our constitutional republican form of government and the establishment of a dictatorship and all that represents.  And that represents a ruling class and a proletariat class. i.e. a class that lives from hand to mouth with hardly anything for the mouth, up to 6 families in one house and backbreaking labor with starvation diet.   America should have awakened when Senator Joseph McCarthy was trying to warn the nation.  But McCarthy was crucified by the totalitarian media and other criminal associates.

  • It's difficult to put into words a reaction to this information.......there is no condemnation strong enough to describe the betrayal of United States leadership in 1. allowing the murder of four Americans, and 2. then doing nothing about it but lip service over a video.

    I would suggest Congress take impeachment action but they are on vacation, and furthermore, they're all complicit in the betrayal..........I'm telling everyone, the cauldron is bubbling in the hearts and souls of American patriots...and it's about ready to explode if the action does not come from the November 6 election...........

    • I agree Harry!!!

    • Me too!

    • Amen, get  it  Done, lets  make  it  happen..

  • Relying on the enemy for security!!!!Reflects a mind on vacation.  Training enemy troops on how to fight reflects a mind on vacation.  Arming drug lords???reflects a mind on vacation.  Redistribution of wealth reflects a mind on vacation.  And it is all debilitating and destructive.  It comes from the pit.


    • He knew all along, as did hitlary.  This is outright MURDER on OUR soil.  And the military isn't rising up?  What's w/ that??!!  I don't mean the brass.  I wouldn't expect them to defend us any more.  I'm speaking of the rest of the military.

      • I've wondered the same thing!  Why isn't our military rising up against the traitors to our Constitution?  After all, they did swear to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.  

    • Only since Obama and Hillary took office other wise it would have been Marines guarding the embassy...Fully loaded....

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