I've received several emails of outrage over this latest abuse of our military by this administration.  You know, I've been fighting for our Troops for a long time and I've been warning people for a long time that the very enemy our Troops are fighting has found his place within this country.
My blood boils daily over the abuse our Troops are subjected to and while folks have been distracted by the trashed economy that this administration and the Democrats have so deliberately created, the enemy within advances.  I must say I am encouraged though.  I am suddenly getting emails from folks outraged over the advancement of radical Islam!
You're a little late in coming, but so glad to see you're awake and aware.  Here's the latest poke in your eye:    
I know, I know, this was reported 5 days ago and my pot on the stove boiled over this morning with the punishment of our Warrior Sons by this sick and insane Obama run military!
There is only one solution:
Andrew Breitbart said it:  We're coming to get you Obama!
November 6th! FIRE OBAMA AND HIS CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION! Get this Occupier out of our White House!  
God Bless The United States Military and  It is my hope we elect a leader on November 6th who is worthy to lead YOU!
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers

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  • Good God will it ever end and can we get rid of obama and his disrespect for the military

  • Just look at what Obama is going to do to the DNC, He is letting 20 thousand muslim terrorist be part of the convention and nothing but Islamic prayers will be done there... All so has anyone took note that Hillary has not been to the UN because there has not been any oil rigs fires or blown up. Also since the tea party is not walking thru the hall of congress we have not had any more Fort Hoods.. Just a little something to think about...

  • Andrew told the story as it is, I just hope and pray folks were listening up!

  • We  Love  our  military,  A  letter  of  punitive discipline  goes  in  their  record,  should  be  more  than  excecptable  by  ranking  officials,  Who  controls  the  PEN,  or  rightful  punishment.  We  Know  the  One  that  hates  our  military..

  • we the people,who are the real government,this treasonous communist trader ovomit/devil and his band of treasonous puppets ovomit/holdup/reid/kagan/napaltano/wasserman/panetta/waters/pelosi.all these treasonous communist scum,excists as long as we the people,let these piles of dung excists,e the people,time to communicate/prepare/focus/plan/refine plan.this pile of treasonous communist camel dung will smell and remain,as long as we the people,allow these communist/lawless/useless/treasonous/ the longer this pile of excrement  stays the taller the pile of camel dung will get,and the stronger the stink will get.god bless ron paul,sheriff joe and cold case posse,brian terry and family,chuck norris,frank serpico,and all american veternas/citizens.one nation under god

  •    It's not only Obama who is causing the problems , it is the entire Government that have bowed down and kissed his Royal A--!  We need to clean house totally and force Term Limits. Take away all their benefits as they work for us and it is High Time We The People do something about cleaning up our Government or we just bury our heads in the sand and kiss our a--es goodbye. Our Troops need to be brought home and the He!! with the rest of the World as it is time to clean the Mess our Government has forced on us in America. If the Muslim and Illegal isue aren't stopped we will soon disappear as a Nation. If we don't stop letting them give away American jobs to foreign workers we are doomed. 15 million Americans unemployed and they keeping giving out over 1 million jobs a yr to foreign workers. When is enough America ?

    • Dave and everyone.  Make sure to vote, and vote only for real Conservatives and Tea Party vetted politicians.  Do not vote for any Dumborat politicians at any level: City, Country, State, or Federal government and no RINO's.    

      Our guys should have received medals for burning all that crap and should have been ordered to shot all the protesting Muslims.  Our guys are risking their lives to save these ungrateful idiots.  Bring our people home and let them kill and enslave each other.



    • We all talk about doing something to clean up the mess in Washington,DC, but the truth is we haven't been faced with this type of a situation, and we don't know how to go about getting it done.  My thoughts are to start with our Creator God Almighty and demand that He is put back into every branch of government,every school,every courthouse, every public building, this would get us back to our roots as a Christian Nation, back to our Founding Fathers.  Without God as our Leader  we are a lost Nation. If we put God first in everything He will lead and guide us out of this mess. If we think we can do it without Him, we are lost.  The bible tell us we can do nothing without Him.  The very breath we breathe God controls. It is time to get off the wrong path, this path of deception that Satan has lulled and blinded us into,. and back to God.  To many Churches have become all about money and  entertainment. The Church is the body of Jesus Christ and Christ is the Head of His church. It is the place we go to worship the Lord. It is not about us it is about our real Love for Him. We keep hearing our Nation is at the crossroads and I believe that is true. The Lord tells us to choose this day who we will serve, the choice is ours to make. My prayers our each of us will make the right choice.

  • Spot on Jager, we just can't vote them out without making them feel the consequences of progressive thought and what they've done to this nation...Can't just let em go to reorganize at a later time....I thought we learned that lesson in Nam.........................................................................Illegitmus non Carborumdum 

  • we the people,who are the real government,to the tea partys,nra,aarp,amac,john birch society,all militias,and all freedom loving,god fearing american veternas/citizens.its time its time.that when ever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends,it is the right of the people,to alter or to abolish it,and to institute new government,we the people,ask yourselfs if what we have now is really a we the people government{class all together HELL NO}this treason excists as long as we the people,allow it to excist.to every freedom/god fearing american,time to stop this insanity,and bring back the america,we all have known and loved,communicate/focus/prepare/plan/refine plan.they don,t care or listen anymore to we the people,god bless ron paul.sheriff joe and cold case posse,brian terry and family,chuck norris,frank serpico,and all american veternas/citizens.one nation under god{WERE AND WHEN }? 

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