UPDATE: 1-21-10

11:25 am CST


David  Hudson has done some investigation......here's what he says about this  (BOGUS)


This is bogus. I checked it out yesterday when it hit facebook and it turned out to be bogus. I called the office of Bill Nelson, Ander Crenshaw and they have no such statement, record or anything else to varify this is true. I went to the Supreme Court site and could find nothing about this. The Senators office found the same thing you did but said there is not a shred of evidence to it and that it is not correct. To void the constitution would be the dumbest thing anyone in office could do. They would then have no power to do anything. All there power comes from that source. If you go to the number 10-633 10-634 you can find out about this and anything recent about what these numbers are about. You will need an Acrobet Reader to open the files.  Sorry guys but the facts on this one are not there.
Harry Riley




ATLANTA, Jan. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that serves to allow judges to void the Constitution in their courtrooms.  The decision was issued on January 18, 2011, and the Court did not even explain the decision (Docket No. 10-632, 10-633, and 10-690).  One word decisions: DENIED.

Presented with this information and massive proof that was not contested in any manner by the accused judges, at least six of the justices voted to deny the petitions:


"There is no legal or factual basis whatsoever for the decisions of the lower courts in this matter.  These rulings were issued for corrupt reasons.  Many of the judges in the Northern District of Georgia and the Eleventh Circuit are corrupt and violate laws and rules, as they have done in this case.  The Supreme Court must recognize this Petition as one of the most serious matters ever presented to this Court."


The key questions answered negatively by the U.S. Supreme Court was:


"Whether federal courts must be stopped from operating corruptly and ignoring all laws, rules, and facts."


By denying the petitions, SCOTUS has chosen to sanction corruption by federal judges and to allow federal judges to void sections of the Constitutional at will.

Read the rest of the article here.

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  • Recall the judges.
  • They all gotta go.  Period.

    And at this point I don't care how it happens.

    Think about that.

    • Ken, I agree. I have been saying that for a long time. If you have been in office more than one term, you are fired, period. Likewise, as Steven put it...recall/fire all judges as well.


      To them...the "leaders", you call yourselves servants of/to the people, you say you represent us because you care for America...nice, but you have lied and are still doing it.


      Empty D.C. completely and start over.

  • Recall all the judges, put term limits on the supremes and let the people vote on who sits on the supreme court! Nobama is stuffing the court with his progressive liberal loon judge friends!  If we don't take control of this, the country is lost forever!  Shame on the congress and senate for allowing sotomayor and Kagan to sit on the bench without a fight!!!!!  Conservatives out number the progressives by such a large majority, why are we being ruled and dictated to by the minority?  One good reason is alot of conservatives sit by and say nothing, do nothing and are only worried about themselves and not what is happening to this country.  They vote, if they vote at all, for who's more popular and who has the most money or who their friends, who are equally clueless, say their going to vote for, rather then vetting the candidates out for themselves.  They take the easy road and that is why were in the trouble were in today!  Apathy is a sure way to lose this country!
    • While I want to see changes in the law to remove activist judges, I am somewhat skeptical of the source. The left can marginalize the Constitution via regulation and judicial activism and in the long term can create crises by collapsing our system, but they could never risk a frontal assault on the Constitution. And if they did, there would be more coverage than just PR Newswire.
  • The Constitution is a corporate policy anyway, it's not for we the people. People need to go bake and see why George Washington and his cronies subverted constitution at the super secret convention and brought forth an identical one as 1787, but was in a different venue..corporate. George Washington, as per the requirements under the Constitution for being able to be a president (14 years in country) could not be sworn in under the ratified 1787 version, nor could any of the delegates, their requirement was 9 years. No one met those requirements, so they subverted the 1787 version into the 1789 version and moved forward with it to get around the requirements. Meanwhile Alexander Hamilton under the direction of Robert Morris, set up the first Bankster bank and from then on the country was controlled by the Crown thru banking interests. They were a sneaky bunch.
  • It was only a matter of time before the ruling class put the peasants in their place.  These people are insane for power and money and will never respond to non-violent means of control.
  • I'm totally lost as to what is going on here.  Can somebody please clarify? 
  • For a long time I was pointing out, that for any dictatorial regime the Constitution has no value even of the paper writen on. Just check the Constitution of the Soviet Union, one of the best writen, or any of the former satellite states. Now you have a proof of your own judges. Not any different from the judges what it use to be communist countries, where punishments were decided by the communist party long before the cangaroo courts started.
  • William, you have saved me the trouble of tracking you down. Being from the Show-Me State, it is in my nature to find out for myself.
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