Penned by Richard Sisk

U.S. military units have resorted to building hardened safe rooms, or what they call "Alamos," to protect themselves from potential attacks from the soldiers and police officers they are training, according to a report from Stars & Stripes.

Troops have built the safe rooms as U.S. and NATO commanders receive almost daily reports of supposed Afghan security forces turning their guns on their trainers. U.S. military leaders have urged troops to maintain partnerships, but also use caution.

"Well, you have to take precautions" although close partnership is still the strategy, said Alexander Vershbow, the deputy Secretary-General of NATO and a veteran U.S. diplomat. "But you have to take precautions that won't undermine success."

Vershbow seemed taken aback when asked Wednesday about small groups of U.S. troops building hardened safe rooms on forward bases controlled by Afghans to retreat to in case of trouble, as reported Wednesday by Stars & Stripes.

At Fort Irwin, Calif., last week, where troops were training for deployment to Afghanistan, Army Command Sgt. Maj. William Johnson of the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command in Kabul said the safe room technique was a last resort for isolated troops who might be in a precarious position.

"What can we do, say, if we have another Quran burning incident" such as happened earlier this year with the accidental burning of the Muslim holy book? "How would our small group protect themselves?" Johnson said.

read the rest here.

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  • We had to do the same thing in Vietnam

  • Kill them all or bring our troops home.

  • Do any of the US Planners remember what happened to the defenders of the Alamo???!!!!!!!!  WHAT ABSOLUTE IDIOCY!!!!  Will the powers that be ever get it!!!!  The MUSLIMS WANT ALL INFIDELS DEAD!!!!!!!

    • Jim: You hit the nail straight on. Our "Muslim-In-Chief" seems to be in charge of ensuring that as many of us "Infidels" are dead, through his organized efforts on behalf of all the Muslim Groups. Look at the 20,000 that are reportedly will be at the Democratic National Convention. This group is not the peaceful type, if there is a peaceful Muslim, toward all the American Infidels.

         Therefore, it is imperative that all "Patriots" VOTE for the American in November!

          Spread the word to all your family and friends that voting this year MUST be a top Priority for ALL

  • we have the best military in the world and they r being told to retreat???!!!!!!  empty chair needs to retreat.

  • Remember the ALAMO!   A safe house just means as they named them, a place to delay the final death!  Any time you retreat, and you turn your back to the enemy, which means a target with little or no return fire.   The enemy was never beaten in the battle completely as in Japan and Germany.  Leaving before the battle is won is a battle lost!

    While in South Vienam flying helicopters on strike missions we would carry in about 250 Vietnam troops on the first landing.  We would have 23 of 24 aircraft shot up and at least one shot down.  After the first wave landed the landing zone would be neutralized, we received no enemy fire after getting enough troops in the LZ.  After a couple weeks we would start lifting the troops out of the LZ.  The last flights of aircraft to depart started receiving enemy fire as bad as when we first landed.  That is what happened then and now we are having a repeat of the same battle tactics.  A losing proposition and the unnecessary death of many of our young warriors being pulled out of the battle before winning the battle.   West Texan former Marine/Naval aviator

    • I hate to tell you all this but I have a close friend that lives in the UK. He's an X- Army ranger in the British Army. According to him (and aslo another friend in France), The USA has become the "laughing-stock" of the world.

      BHO has destroyed far more than just our military respect for him, or our Militarys respect from others around the world. He has placed our men and women in danger far more than just from the Afgans they are training. He has empowered our enemies far more than any President or traitor in history.

      • I believe that most of us already knew this to be the truth. We also know that if we can get rid of the slime in the WH that it won't take long to restore our military to what is supposed to be. If the rest of the world wants to think that our military is a laugh or joke, let them. Woe be unto the ones that want to test that theory after the o is gone.

  • It's another ROE failure that sends a message of weakness to our enemies.....and of course there are those that "laugh" at America with their hand out-stretched.......they criticize but who's the first nation called and the first to respond when the cry for help is issued??

    • Amen Harry, and hasn't it always been that way...complain about us as every turn and then come to us for help at the very next turn.

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