US X-Marine Jon Hammer has been freed from the Mexican prison where he has been held since last August for taking an antique shotgun across the border. Well I think that’s great, my question is what the hell took our Government so long to get him out of there?

Now – here’s the real irony in all of this. Under current and advancing US gun laws that same antique shotgun will get Mr. Hammer a life sentence in prison here in the US because he has now been diagnosed with PTSD.


Here’s a man who has fought for American freedom and liberty in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but that same government and people that he fought to defend took six months to secure his release from a neighboring country that is supposed to be considered our ally and friend. But now they would also happily (and very quickly) lock him up in a US federal prison for possession of the same damn weapon that got him in trouble in Mexico.

Is there something wrong with this picture here or is it just me?


It’s about time we started learning the difference between a Democracy and a free Representative Republic. And while we’re on the subject of mental health disorders and guns, don’t forget the timing here in regards to the Connecticut massacre of 26 innocent people by some mentally deranged kid and all the public outcry about re-evaluating and tightening our gun laws just a little more. Rest assured the Obama administration will not let this incidence escape without first putting it to good use to further their goals and agenda.

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  • This marxists government can not be trusted at all.  They haven proven to be the enemy.

  • Why hasn't obama set up a hue and cry about the 400+ children killed by gunfire in CHICAGO this year alone?????
    • How can he ; he`s from there.

  • What I want to know is WHERE is representation for our "Representative Repulic?" 

  • Fascists, statists, cimmunists are not to be trusted. We are a Republic! Who knows the mental state of any one of the Presidents who have served, or any servicemen or women who serve in a tragic warzone. How many men came back from WWII with battle fatigue whowere hunters-never killed anyone.
    What about the millions killed each year, every day by obama's and selbelius' abortionists. Now there's a real mental problem-no moral, no ethics, no resolve-just kill and destroy real life without penalty, but the reward of federal funding.
    God forgive us! God help us!

  • The false president of the USA did not raise one finger to help this person. Hillary did not raise one finger to help this person. It took Fox news. How very sad that the USA does not have a functioning government.

  • Marxist are Communist, therefore Domestic Enemies!

  • Please check this one in Texas. 
    Ramsey on guns and Texas

  • It better not get him any prison time. Or there will be a public & military blowback, like they have never seen before.

  • First thing EVERY represive government does is go after the guns.Without weapons they can do whatever they want.

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