USCDA Disaster Seminars available nationwide

We are currently organizing seminars around the country to be hosted by the national H-Q of the United States Civil Defense Assoc. of Laguna Beach California, where General Michael Webster of the USCDA will be speaking. He will share his world wide disaster experiences working with governments globally as well as FEMA and other federal agencies here at home.

USCDA has responded and provided disaster relief all across the nation and around the world with General Webster being on the scene after 9/11 NY Trade Center, Northridge, Katrina, Haiti, Sandy, Mexico City and many others.

He will discuss the importance of disaster preparedness and what to expect during and after a major disaster, and just how much preparation is really needed!

Due to the population density in most major cities, the fire department, police, sheriffs, paramedics and FEMA will be spread so thin, help will not be there for those who need it for some time.

Here is where the USCDA plays such an important roll to provide disaster relief and other emergency services directly to those in need.

Gen: Webster will be sharing what he has seen first hand during and after major disasters and why it is extremely important to be prepared and be able to respond to disasters to help others in a timely and professional way as well as being able to take care of yourself, your loved ones and hopefully your community when necessary.

General Webster is also available to give seminars to other USCDA chapters, sheriff dept personal and other organizations such as community collages Etc. Contact USCDA at 301 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach CA 92651 or e-mail

USCDA does accept public, private and corporate donations. As a non-governmental “volunteer” organization. But not as a government controlled non-private status, nor are we seeking such a tax exampt ruling. Your donation may not be tax deductible. USCDA avoids any funding from the government. USCDA remains a non-government entity. We feel we are therefor better able to serve in times of emergencies and act independent to the government and can provide better and faster services with out all the governmental red tape. In other words we get things done. We are always in need of funds to help assist us in our efforts to help our communities during natural or man made disasters. We understand and realize that the economy is unstable for the average American and we therefor only seek donations from those who can spare it without causing any hardship on themselves or families. Checks and money orders can be made out to: USCDA, 301 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach, CA 92651.

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