
  • Sounds like a non-issue to me. He put it on a pole and it's now fine. Problem solved.

    • Ken the problem is people have forgotten what that flag means, most of them have never served in the services of this country. They have forgotten that they are Americans, not "world citizens" or other leftist crap being spouted.  So you are wrong by your statement, I agree  that after he set up the flag pole the issue was ended.  Still Ken, he took a stand and the left backed off!

    • May be non issue, but he reason behind it, NOT. I was actually trying to post some others things for Twana as her computer was having issue, things that are and issue. but I don't post here often so this was simply a trial run., And no disrespect but when it comes to our Flag and our Troops, IT IS AN ISSUE. I happen to have a son in the Stan now , I take all things rather seriously even a simple things such as this.

  • I would have told the land lord. "If you don't love that flag get the hell out of my country!" Time to man up people , time to fly that flag every day, make it a symbol of balls and courage, let it give you a backbone to slap down those who hate the country and what it stands for!

  • I'm offended by the offended and will not comply any longer!

  • If the problem is/was the way the flag was attached that's one thing and yes it's resolved. But if the flag is considered even a possible offense to those who live there that's a different ball of wax. If America is good enough to reside in than simple respect for one of the most critical symbols of this country deserves respect from everyone here. If not they can leave. It wouldn't break my heart to see them go.

    • While our flag is being burned all over the world and defaced by the O team.. I find it offensive that a simple request such as is stated it is resolved. It IS NOT resolved. attitudes like that aint gettin the whole picture. Last yr on the 4th of July, I saw Hispanic flags draped all over the work place and homes in my neighborhood, yet a Veteran cannot display his flag on a small patio of his apt? Come on people, Its time everyone stand against this. HOA wont allow it ..Now as a mother of a Marine who is on his 2nd tour in Afghanistan, I have dealt with much grief with families who have lost their blood and treasure under the stars and stripes, Impersonally offended that one in this group would state "Sounds like a non-issue to me. He put it on a pole and it's now fine. Problem solved." It is NOT a non issue. I must assume this person is not quite awake and more then likely would not proudly display Ole Glory. The mere fact that we have to "defend it" so we don't offend anyone is out personally offensive to me and should be to all. Those who find it a non issue because the flag is till there doesn't resolve the REAL issue facing America today and a passive idea is what makes it easier for the removal of her beauty. Every US citizen SHOULD have our beautiful flag proudly displayed on homes, cars and businesses, Time to take a stand and send a message to everyone..WHAT WE DO STAND FOR  before it is totally gone. The day is coming.

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