(you may need to click that link twice to get to the show page. Sometimes ning sites just recycle the ning page the link is on, so just click the link again and it should get you to the show).

Panel: Col. Jim Harding, Tim Harrington, Kit Lange & Twana Blevins

Show Time: 9 pm EST


1. Panetta: 'International Permission’ Trumps Congressional Permission For Military Actions

2. What Does Support and Defend mean?

3. Syria, unlike Libya, has some pretty tough air defenses

4. U.S. Military Rushing to Make Sure Troops Abide by Sharia Rules to Respect Quran

4. Obama team taking away benefits from Veterans

During this show we will stay on topic and ask to keep the chatroom on topic as well. I will monitor it. Please don't use this platform to push other groups or personal agendas. We are using this platform for specific topics and purpose. When others use this free to you (not to me, I pay for it) forum to hijack it and take it off topic for others advertisement, it distracts from the show's intent and important subjects. I know you all understand because we see it done all the time and we all also see how downright rude it is. I'm asking everyone that attends the show to be considerate of those doing the show and the importance of the subjects we're covering.

Topics of this show are listed above. I've also linked them so you can be informed ahead of time. That way we are all on the same page. The reason for these focused shows is so we can be productive and share/work together on doable solutions. We are running out of time quickly ... it's solution time!

We will not be taking any call ins until 10:30 pm EST. At that time we will have 15 minutes for callins. Please only call in if you have a question ON TOPIC. I will dial tone anyone who calls in to hijack the show to push their own advertisement agenda. If you call in, please also be considerate of the time. Others may want to call in too.

At 10:45 pm EST we will talk about solutions.

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

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  • IF we do not support this investigation at home in ARIZONA we will not win over seas for our troops.

    I was under the impression we were to start with one state at a time and ARIZONA was the starting point?

    Have I misunderstood?Can anyone explain this so I can get on the same page?

    If we FAIL: here at home how do you think we will succeed over seas?

    Please respond any and all criticism is always welcome.

  • Thanks TWANA I will be listening, I was more focusing the above comment to any and all for support towards his cause, even though I believe it is as the Constitution states blood line of the dad and facts are not being as they should, but even though it is missguided as I understand the Article II Section I Clause V meaning Arpaio is going forward with the part of the law that is still in a direction we all want just a different approach.


    I was furious with another slap in the face of our TROOPS is that scumbag panetta telling the troops to disarm before he speaks to them.


    I am done I apologize just the fustration

This reply was deleted.


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