Bundy Ranch, The Constitution, and the BLM.
If anyone is really wondering what the Militia movement is all about then listen to the story about the Bundy Ranch. Watch and listen to this man Lavoy. If We-The-People do not stand up and demand that our US Government obey and live by the limits and constraints of the Constitution, then they have no reason to do so.


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  • right u r now how do u propose we stop the Ohitler machine

    he has put in his minions and HOW DO WE STOP IT


    • BY ANY AND ALL MEANS NECESSARY.................

  • It has been clear for quite some time..Problem is who is willing to put it together and get it done?No one trusts anyone anymore and that is exactly what they want...

  • From what I see, and from watching this video,,,,watching all the BS coming out of Washington, My guess is that the time is growing near to when there may be enough people awakened and willing to make that stand.

    This man (rancher) Lavoy appears to be a good speaker. The people out there in his corner of the world will unite behind him and Cliven Bundy. And when the time comes the Militia will stand and support the Ranchers. 

    Right now everyone is jumping on the Donald Trump band wagon. I doubt that will ever really do us any good.

    We all need to copy and paste the link to that video and spread that thing all over the internet.

    But the thing we all must understand is that what is happening right now out in the Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, and Texas  ranchers is all part of the UN Agenda-21 program.
    There is no need to keep looking and waiting for a new "Leader" to stand up. Stop waiting for Admiral Lyons or General Petraous or someone else to jump up and lead the charge. YOU are the American Patriots we need. YOU are the resistance fighters. YOU are the people who this Federal Government fears the most, and they should.
    You are the people that will help spread the word. Yes - We're all getting older, so what. Every Militia movement in the country needs communications coordinators, some people may call you just another keyboard warrior, But we can all join forces with the active Militia groups. Use you talents on that keyboard and in the search engines, and help coordinate the communications between the organized - ( or DIS-organized)  resistance groups.
    The real fighting will start soon enough, it's only a matter of time now. PFA/OAS has NOT failed, and we never will.

    • I agree with everything you say except the part about Trump..I believe that he will do everything he can to straighten out the IMMIGRATION DISASTER that Obama has created..I also believe that he will hold a lot of corrupt politicians feet to the fire..If you notice all of the negativity coming out about Trump is coming from the media and the establishment politicians..

      • I hope you're right George,,,,,, but don't forget - 2016 - 2017 is still a long way off. If the powers in Washington begin to feel really threatened by Trump, (and the people voting for him) they will do anything and everything to stop him, (and us). And personally I doubt the sovereignty of this nation will last that long. If you listen carefully we can already hear noises coming from the United Nations. They're saying things like "All Americans must be disarmed",,,,, and things pertaining to human rights & civil rights, (for blacks only of course). And they're already making noises about private property ownership.
        If you ask me I think BHO has already sold us down the drain. We all know they don't give a hoot about our Constitution, and without that there are no rights, no liberties, no laws, and no freedom either.
        I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Donald Trump to get elected and fix anything. I'm selling everything I've got except my guns and ammo and survival needs.

        • WE THE PEOPLE have to tell the powers to be that we do not want to hear their BULLSHIT anymore and that we will no longer be dictated to by MARXIST ideas ..I believe that by backing Trump from here on in would send a very clear message to these TRAITORS who say vote for me and i will do this and i will do that..Then all of a sudden they change their tune..Trump has stood by what he has said from the first day he entered the race..Jeb Bush is a complete Socialist joke..And if you notice that is who the media and the establishment continues to try and pamper..I have had enough of that BULLSHIT..

          • Just one other thing folks..If you recall folks there was a whole bunch of establishment politicians who wanted Ronald Reagan to be dismissed as a joke..These are the same kind of people who want to take Trump down..They do not like the fact that a non politician can show them up..They think that only their breed should be allowed in the WHITEHOUSE..How dare anyone else come along and tell their SORRY ASSES what to do..This is their town they run the show...WELL ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH THESE CORRUPT TRAITORS..I would not have a problem with Ted Cruz or Ben Carson,i think they would be good for the country..They are not insiders like the rest of that corrupt town..Old Rooster and myself went in to the senate building and when we went to use the elevator we had to wait about 15 minutes until we were finally able to get a spot on one of them..We both had our respective military caps on and not one of these darn chinese or mexican or wherever the heck else these lobbyist came from would make room for two military vets..The lobbyists run the show..DISGUSTING..

    • One thing EVERYONE has to agree on..... Trump is saying what the others don't want to talk about in a REAL, HONEST way. They will talk immigration, building a wall, ISIS, but it will be sugar coated party line BS. Trump has NO filter. He dosent care if he offends, he dosent have to tow a party line or worry about offending his money backers!' Because he has none!! On this I think we can all agree. Don't you think it's time we have someone who will stand up an say "The emperor has no clothes"? You may not like his delivery but you have to love the message. Frankly, I'm tired of those who don't want to offend, who want to be politically correct, who change their stripes like they do their underwear. Isn't an all out down and dirty in your face type of honesty what we need now more than ever?
    • Old Rooster.... I WISH everyone had the sense of urgency you had. If they did you'd see a differant America. One person elected will solve nothing. It's going to take the rank and file uniting together to turn things around even that's possible. We need to build an Army.
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