Vice-Presidential debate: 10/11/2012

Vice-Presidential debate: 10/11/2012

VP Joe Biden (D), vs. Paul Ryan (R)

Today, the day after the debate, the general consensus is that VP Joe Biden was arrogant, condescending, and disrespectful, his phony smile and arrogant smirk even extended through questions and discussions concerning the recent attacks on US embassies in Egypt and Libya, and the murder of four Americans including our Ambassador Christopher Stevens and two Marines or Navy Seals.

Biden persisted in his silly grin right through responses to questions by Republican candidate Paul Ryan on dealing with the US budget deficit and also the unemployment rate among American workers as though these issues (or Mr. Ryan’s answers) were of no real concern to the American people, and that anything that Ryan might have to say would be wrong and misinformed by an inexperienced amateur no matter what he might say. Biden wanted to make Mr. Ryan appear to be just a stupid “kid” in comparison to his (Biden’s) far superior intellect, experience and knowledge. He wanted to make it appear as though “the kid just doesn’t understand”.

Well for once in his life Joe Biden might be right, because I have a slightly different view of Mr. Biden’s arrogance and his silly grin and arrogant smirk. Remember back in the 2008 presidential debates between Obama and Senator John McCain. Obama said Senator McCain had no idea what he was really up against.

I think, like Obama before him, (Obama/Romney debate), Joe Biden was not really interested in being in this debate in the first place. Biden (and Obama) both seem to think that anything Mr. Ryan Or Mitt Romney have to say it will not make a single bit of difference. The Republicans cannot win this election no matter what. They seem to be telling us that nothing else really matters. No matter what Romney, Ryan OR the American people think or want, The Obama/Biden administration already have this election all tied up – rigged- and in the bag.

The American people, and these “stupid” elections can be damned. They will do just as they damned well please. And anything Paul Ryan says the whole idea of a “debate” about these issues is a stupid waste of time and his (Joe Biden’s) effort.

The arrogance and contempt for Mr. Ryan and the American people is simply startling and alarming.

The real difference is that now, this time around, we The People DO know what we are “up-against”.

(What Obama was referring to back then was the combined forces of the Communist party, corrupt union officials, and a Muslim Caliphate, and the corrupt financial terrorism of George Soros.)

OH YES, we know what we are up against, and we are not going to tolerate it this time.

Just my two cents;







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  • Absolutely spot on. I could not believe that clown actually would behave like that. But then what can one say about a plagerist, a liar and rear-end kisser like that except to say just what you said, we know who, what when and where and we will not tolerate it.  If we could we would throw their sorry butts out of office immediately.

    Another thing I could not believe was the fact that the moderator actually visited this clown in his home before the setup there....move along nothing to see here....yata yata yata...and the way the media is spinning it is disgraceful.  Only on Fox did I see one commentator say that he was rude, crude, disrespectful but in person is just the nicest guy one would ever want to meet......I don't think so. Just saying.....

    • I agree 100% with these comments by Ronald and you, Richard, and quoting your post:

      "Only on Fox did I see one commentator say that he was rude, crude, disrespectful but in person is just the nicest guy one would ever want to meet.."

      I was stunned by that Fox commentator's statement because the way Biden was during the debate told me that he is a manipulative, two-faced liar... not at all a 'nice guy' to be around. His attitude and behavior reminded me of various warning from my parents of what kind of guy to AVOID when I was growing up. 

  • Biden got 11 minutes more time, Ryan was interrupted around 80 times by Biden according to Brett Baier. I found Biden to be really offensive. I felt like he was yelling. At one point I covered my ears, I just couldn't tolerate it. His laughter continuing throughout the topics of the murder and coverup of our people in Libya was shocking. I had an impression of Biden before the debate that he was a buffoon.

    I now realize he is smarter than I thought, but mean as a mad dog. His smarts included lying to us about whether the video was the cause or terrorism and about being asked for additional security, as well as lying about Romney/Ryan's plan. While he promised that this type of attack would never happen again, the real question is not only why weren't the Ambassador's repeated requests for protection and a plane to get the heck out of there when needed, but why did he contradict the State Dept? and throw them under the bus? I hope they leak some info.

    I also wonder why absolutely no one mentions the CIA in this, and how they completely failed to catch wind of the planning of this attack.

    It is not the FBI's job to do the state dept's inspection of the terrorist scene. FBI is supposed to be inside the US, and CIA outside the US. State should have called in marines to investigate the scene but didn't. Why not? Again the  unasked question is "Where was the CIA?" Did they all quit and go home? They are the ones charged with finding chatter from around the world, infiltrating terrorist groups, and alerting us to possible danger. Did you all know the intelligence agencies dropped the color coding of terrorist alerts? One more maneuver by this administration. It used to be red, orange, etc. It is now only two warning alerts—elevated and imminent. That was a quiet change. Subtle, really subtle.

    New two-level terror alert system replaces color codes
    The Department of Homeland Security will unveil its new two-level terror alert system goes into effecdt today, replacing the often confusing color-co…
  • As a medical professional, I have to state,  if Biden were a dog, I'd recommend euthanasia.  
    His behavior obviously results from a severe brain abnormality. 

  •    I found Joe Biden to be the bigest asshole politician in America.The arrogane of this so called man makes my blood boil. I did do somthing in  his honor.I bought more bullets.

  • Very well spoken RPM,your opinions reflect the attitude of millions of us who care about our country.We can not have this kind of arrogance leading us to self destruction and the end of what many great people have created,he must be stopped and our sovereignty stored.God Bless America

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