Video Exposing How ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Was Organized From Day One by SEIU/ACORN Front – The Working Family Party, and How They All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides and George Soros



Breakdown of the Connections Between The Working Family Party, SEIU, ACORN, The New Party, The DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides, George Soros and The Obama Administration The Working Families Party was establish in the 90′s by key members of the the socialist organization The New Party, ...



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  • Thank you. I was trying to show a friend from Canada that this had ACORN and all their cronies cooties all over it. I posted it on their facebook page to show them I am correct in HATING the Occupy Wall Street protesters and their One World Order mindset.
  • I wonder if our event in DC on 11/11 will meet with the same sympathy and reverence? 

    Or will we encounter police in riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets?

    • Sorros is in on this too. I heard in a Glenn Beck tape that foreigners are calling food vendors and buying food for these protesters.
      • You got that right Chuck. Soon the other shoe will drop.
      • I've read many articles (some by AP even) saying that CAIR has an office in DC which concentrates on using anti-discrimination laws to guarantee that their are muslim staffers in most Congressmen's offices. Also in ALL departments of the bureaucracy.
    • This probably will be determined by whether or not the press labels this as a group of Home Grown Terrorists coming to do armed insurrection against the government! (Is anyone in the chain to receive big sis's memos on the event?)  I still say that Psalm 33 is definitely necessary reading before hand.

  • I honestly don't think these punk kids realize the huge can of worms they are going to be opening here.


    And there is no doubt in my mind that Obama is behind these. He is the Great Divider and he is doing his best to stir up even more hate and discontent in this country.He is playing them and they are too stupid to even see it, hoping that they will grow in number so that it creates widespread unrest so he can finally declare Martial Law and suspend the elections next year until things "quiet down"

    He is as transparent as glass and some of us are NOT FOOLED and his days are numbered

  • Hey Gang,

    Just thought I would stop by and share something about the Occupy Dirt-bags Circus on Wall Street. About an hour ago I received an email that I almost Deleted and ignored, but the Subject line of it really made me laugh so before opening, I checked for the possibility of a  malware/virus attack. Because of my VERY PATRIOTIC AND CONSERVATIVE stance on everything, I have been the target of some attacks in the past. For the most part the email got a clean bill of health so I opened it.

    Between the Subject and the contents I am convinced that the Occupy Wall Street folks are the most "useless idiots" on the planet, but they are also funny as hell. In case you are wondering... I'm laughing at them NOT with them.

    Be prepared to be amazed at their stupidity and their unstable thinking.

    Here's the Subject line that caught my attention...

    Whitehouse Petition to Reclaim our Divine Rights - Free Food - Shelter - Energy & Travel - Freedom from Debt


    This is what was the header when I opened the email...  ST GERMAIN: AND SEKHMET: JOIN WALL ST. PROTESTORS! TAKE NESARA FLYERS!

    Then the following screed is what it referred to...

    "Good evening.  It is I, St Germain, and I am honored and overjoyed to be here in this company of Family once more!  And yes you have heard the news, as it were, and you know how much is going on everywhere on this wonderful Planet Earth. And you know that I am here, indeed, with a particularly joyful mission and it is to inspire the members of the kingdom of humanity to move, to make great strides, as it were, upon their paths to Ascension.  

    And yes, it is to inspire those who want to keep humanity on a lower path and in the boxes that they have contrived through their lies and deceits and their wars and all of the weapons that they have used.  It is to inspire them to come forward into the light to stop fighting in the shadows.  It is to inspire them to open their hearts to love and to stop hating.  Believe it, Beloved Ones, when I tell you that for most of them, the ones they hate the most are themselves, and the parents who have brought them into the world to serve the dark...."

    If you want to read the rest of it let me suggest you go to this link. I'm giving the link because the site itself is a laugh riot in itself. And St Germain, whoever the hell he is (or it is), goes on and on about the Occupy Wall Street movement and how it connects to UFO's and the Mothership. This may be the best laugh you have all week.

    Actually, we may want to share this with a lot people just to prove to others how Bat-Sh** crazy these people are. It would also help to embarrass those that support the "Occupy" movement... Obama and Pelosi come to mind.

    Anyway... have fun with it and use it against our Bat-Sh** crazy enemies!

  •     These nuckle headed people want revolutionary change.Between these idiots and Jimmy Hoffa jr, and his union army they may get the change they dont want.These people dont seem to know they are being used to create a situation that could get

    alot of people hurt or much worse.I wonder if they realize they could be the sacrificial idiots for a regime that dont give a sh*t

    about them.

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