Patriots please make sure you double check when you vote....also make sure everyone you know - knows this info and also double checks. I also suggest to start calling county sheriffs when this happens. This is straight up voter fraud. Same thing was done in 2008 and now in several states so far. We know without a doubt this is no accident...........This is intentional and it is up to us to make any who continue doing this gets held accountable for election fraud.



Politi Chicks

October 25, 2012 at 5:00 am has just received confirmation that a voter in Las Vegas tried voting for Governor Mitt Romney but the machine automatically checked “Obama” multiple times instead.

Our source said:

“Yesterday I went to an early voting site at Centennial Center in Las Vegas, NV. I went with my 19 year old son who was a first-time voter. I went to an open machine and inserted my card. When the selections came up, all of the candidate pairings were listed and I touched the box for Romney/Ryan. The checkmark appeared next to President Obama’s name. I touched the check mark removing it and touched the box next to Romney’s name again. Again, the checkmark appeared next to Obama. I motioned for an observer to come over and showed him. I touched the mark next to Obama, removing it and again touched Romney’s name. The checkmark appeared next to Obama. At this point, the gentleman next to me was looking over my partition to see. I touched the checkmark, again removing it from Obama’s name and selected Romney. The checkmark appeared next to Romney. I double-checked the paper ballot to ensure that Romney was indeed selected and cast my ballot. I didn’t make a fuss but have called our local election department only to get recordings. I also wrote an email to the Clark County Election Department about the incident. My son said that he had no issues casting his ballot.”

I called the Las Vegas GOP office but haven’t gotten a response from anyone about this yet.

Please folks, check and re-check your ballots before turning them in.  A similar case was reported earlier today in North Carolina.

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  • Have you noticed that in almost every case that has been reported around the country, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida and now Nevada, that it takes correcting your ballot 3 times before it finally responds and accepts your correct vote on the 4th try? Vote, correct, vote, correct, vote, correct, then vote again before the machine accepts your correct vote.  Doesn't it seem strange that this occurs in almost every case?  And they try to tell you it is only a minor error in the machine...Really?

  • I voted yesterday and had no problem at all. We use the same machines as Las Vegas.

  • Simply investigating these incidents is not enough.  Given the corruption of the court systems all over the US, the perpetrators of this kind of fraud need to be found and punished severely by the people so that others will be dissuaded from continuing these actions.


  • The same thing happened in Nevada in the last election. People voted for S angle and it came out as Harry Reid, remember that SEIU has full control of all the electronics in the voting machines.......

  • I don't buy the "calibration" excuse. These voting machines are basically very simple PC's. The hardware and the software they use have to be programmed in order for them to work. Then of course there is some basic information that has to be loaded into each new program (per voting cycle). So in order for one of these machines to screw-up and tally another persons name than the one you touched, one of two things has to have happened...

    1. The machine has been tampered with.

    2. The person voting doesn't pay attention to what they are doing.

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