Voter registrations verifications and history;

Voter registrations verifications and history;


For over 150 years Americans believed we had the best, most secure system of electing our US Presidents in the world. Americans all believed there was no possible way that our system could be corrupted and the elections stolen.
During the ‘60’s and ‘70’s I lived in New Hampshire. During those years hundreds of high-tect company's had moved into the area. Computer company's and chip manufacturing companies sprang up all over the place. It was all touted in the media as “The Massachusetts Miracle”.
Also during that time the State of Massachusetts elected a fellow by the name of Michael Dukakis as governor, (A Democrat.) from 1975 to 1979 and from 1983 to 1991.
The 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis began when he announced his candidacy for the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States on March 16, 1987, he was formally selected as the Democratic Party's nominee at the party's convention in Atlanta, Georgia on July 21, 1988. The News Media attempted to throw all the credit for “The Massachusetts Miracle” towards Dukakis. But He lost the 1988 election to his Republican opponent George H. W. Bush,

That’s when I first noticed the corruption in the news media. I can tell you from first-hand experience the only “Miracle” about that was the fact that the State of Massachusetts and at least some of the industries managed to survive the Dukakis regime.

Hundreds of those high-tect companies that had moved into the area found themselves in bankruptcy.

Fast forward a few years and we find ourselves with a guy named Barrack Hussein Obama sitting in the White House. The News Media (that very same media) was slurping all over this guy as some kind of Messiah”, A “Dream-come-true” for the Democrats.


During the 2016 election cycle Texas Democrat representative Sheila Jackson Lee stated that Obama’s real legacy would be that he had given us an election system that guaranteed no Republican candidate could ever win the presidency again. But that rigged system failed in 2016 and a guy by the name of Donald J. Trump unexpectedly defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Democrats have never stopped complaining about that. Instead they went to work perfecting and organizing that rigged election process. We saw the results of those corrupt election systems in the 2020 elections of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Hillary Clinton squealed “Why didn’t you do that for Me?”…


How they did it. Never forget that Barrack Obama was a “Community Organizer” in the earlier days in Chicago. We all laughed at that at first, but then we found out what that really meant and how it impacted our election processes. The Democrats have all organized around a system of Ballot box stuffing, mail-in ballots, and rigged election machines. Votes were changed as if by magic at 3:00am from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.
It all comes down to precisely what Communist Joesph Stalin said, “ it doesn’t matter how many votes are cast or who they voted for – the only thing that matters is WHO Counts those votes”.
And THAT what the Democrats have rigged today..


Election laws are all controlled by the States in The United States. That’s part of why we believed for so many years that there was no way for our system to be corrupted. But don’t forget, that “Community Organizer” Obama is really pretty good at his job. They managed to get their own people into positions of voter and election systems in several key “battleground” States and also into positions of control over those electronic voting machines. They now control “Who Counts the votes” and who reports the results.
The States all control their own election laws but nothing has been fixed, no new laws have been implemented to insure the integrity of those processes. Those key “Battleground States all remain the same under the Democrats rules.

The definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same things over and over and over and think your going to get different results sometime. This is exactly what the Republicans and Donald Trump are doing in the 2024 elections. Trump says “Make the elections too big to rig”. But that can never happen under the present systems. It doesn’t matter how many votes are cast for Donald Trump and the Republicans, the Democrats control the machines and they control who counts those votes.

That same corrupt news media is busy re-writing Kamala Harris’s records and that dunce who couldn’t even finish the 2020 elections long enough for them to reach her own home State will be cast as the next President of The United States of America. As if by some kind of magic Kamala Harris could get over 90,000,000 million votes.


Wake UP America. THIS is Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America” into a Communist/Marxist regime.









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  • All of those liberal democrat blue states like Michigan. Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Colorado, New York, and California, all know their election systems are corrupt and compromised. And they know the rest of the world also knows it. But they don’t care because as long as they control those States they also know there’s not a damn thing anybody can do about it.


  • Another PS comment;
    I hope and pray for America's sake that Donald Trump wins on November 5th 2024. For America's sake. and for the sake of our Republic.
    But I also hope that he looses for his own sake. If he looses it will be his last presidential campaign. Otherwise they will kill him.
    And I don't want that to happen.
    PRAY - GOD Bless America.



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