The Blaze




On Wednesday evening, GBTV unveiled a powerful documentary, “Rumors of War III,” exposing how radical Islamists, including the Muslim Brotherhood, are infiltrating American government at its highest levels. Above is a video clip from the program outlining some of the key players involved.

The following is an overview of each of the Islamist figures who have found their place — in some way, shape or form — at the Obama administration’s table.



(Related: Want to Know More About the Islamist Group Exposed in Rumors of War III?)




Arif-Alikahn-176x200.jpg?width=176Arif Alikahn, Former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Policy Development:  Now a Distinguished Visiting Professor of DHS and Counterterrorism at the National Defense University, Alikahn also served as Deputy Mayor for Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles where he reportedly derailed the LAPD’s efforts to monitor the city’s Muslim community — particularly its radical mosques and madrassas where certain 9/11 hijackers were said to have received support. He is affiliated with MPAC, which has called the terrorist group Hezbollah a “liberation movement.”






Salam al-Marayati, Founder and Executive Director of Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)ROW-Salam-al-Marayati-266x200.jpg?width=266: Marayati is an Iraqi immigrant who drew national attention over a decade ago when then-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt nominated him to serve on the National Commission on Terrorism. Backlash over al-Marayati’s defense of Hezbollah and other Islamic groups prompted a withdrawal of the nomination. The Center for Security Policy reports that MPAC was formed in 1986 as the Political Action Committee for the Islamic Center for Southern California, one of the largest Wahhabi mosques in the country. While MPAC later fractioned-off, one of the founders of the Islamic Center, Hassan Hathout, was a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood who also spent time in Egyptian prison.




Mohamed Elibiary, Homeland Security Advisory Committee MemberROW-Mohamed-Elibiary-2.jpg?width=150: He is the former president of the Freedom and Justice Foundation, which was billed to ”promote a Centrist Public Policy environment in Texas by coordinating the state level government and interfaith community relations for the organized Texas Muslim community.” He spoke at a 2004 conference in Dallas praising the “Great Islamic Visionary” Ayatollah Khomeini.  Most recently he is famous for leaking highly sensitive intelligence documents to a media outlet in Texas.





Rashad-Hussain-206x200.jpg?width=206Rashad Hussain, State Department Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic CooperationThe Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report uncovered that Hussain spoke at a conference sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, the Association of Muslim Social Scientists. An internal Brotherhood document dubbed the Social Scientists as one of “our organizations and the organizations of our friends.” Hussain also spoke at the Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding of Georgetown University, which reportedly receives Saudi funding and is directed by Muslim Brotherhood advocate, John Esposito. In 2004, Hussain also participated in the Muslim Students Association’s annual conference, a group founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and known as one of its front-groups. The report also asserts that many of the Student Associations’ nearly 600 college chapters “have engaged in extremism and the group closely collaborates with the other Brotherhood fronts.”


Other Brotherhood sympathizers involved  in the administration but who tend to travel beneath the radar include:



Imam Mohamed Magid, Homeland Security Countering Violent Extremism Working Group Member : He is a Sudanese-born president for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) with alleged ties to the Muslim BrotherhoodISNA’s parent is the Muslim Student Association. ISNA completed a $21 million headquarters in Indianapolis using fundsraised in part from Muslim Brotherhood.






Eboo Patel, Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships: Patel spoke at a Muslim Students Association and ISNA convention, appearing on a panelalongside Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, and Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Wahhaj allegedly advocates the Islamic takeover of America.





Huma Abedin, Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Perhaps most famous for being wife of the disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin appears to have family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In an interview with FrontPageMag, anti-Islamist author Walid Shoebat explained that Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and that Huma’s brother, Hassan, sits in on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where he is a fellow and partners with other board members including “Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees.”


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  • This is terrible.

  • The WH is part of the terrorist that are trying to take control of the USA and if you are not a muslim,, if they win then you will be dead...

  • I am really scared to death when I read this information. I wonder why the American public has been blind to this mysterious and malicious muslim infiltration into our nation  in order to quietly destroy all of us! Please alarm the American public and the whole world about this very dangerous plot! SOS! The least expensive and quickest way to kick that trouble maker out of the White House is to speed up  the process in proving that his birth certificate is a forgery.


    a frightened citizen

    • Joachim - Sheriff Joe is going to be holding another conference in about a week about additional information on the infamous BH Obama. Maybe the new information will help speed the demise of Obama in the Oval Office.

    • Joachim, Your concern is shared by all of us. Too many Americans get their news from the mainstream media and there you’ll find no information of this kind.

      And it has been proven that the imposter in our White House is illegal. His own attorney Alexandra Hill has stated that the birth certificate PDF documentation is a fraud. So if the document is a fraud and they can’t provide a valid document after more than 3 years, something has gone terribly wrong. And allowing this infiltration by the muslim brotherhood advocates, into our government is a treasonous act without doubt.

      • It is the same ole S@$t, our government is not interested in arresting this Usurper in the white house, because they are all complicit in keeping this bastard there..... I personally think it is time to lock and load, we can't afford to wait for a FRAUDULENT election to prove BO gets elected is too bad, that a whole lot of people will be killed before "WE THE PEOPLE" get our act together and reset this government back to what should have been done three years is pathetic.

        • Clois,.. It's strange that I just now (@12:49PM CST) received notice of your post from yesterday. You'd think it would be a glitch in the system or a virus looping through and resending e-mail notices, or maybe there's a greater power trying to keep these warnings in the present.

          • I am sure they are monitoring my e-mail and Frankly they can monitor it all day long because when the  SHTF or they show up at my home,  to take me to a FEMA camp, or just kill me outright. That is what I think they have planned for me, but I will be going out in a "Blaze of Glory" and they will pry my pistol from my cold dead hand. I will not live in a world, especially in this country with Marxism/Communisum as its core. They can forget that. I am a FREE MAN and will stay FREE.

    • They have taken over the Media, so it is hard to get word out to the mass amounts needed. We hqave been trying so hard, people just don't listen.

  • They are one and the same.

This reply was deleted.


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