You can watch the Terry Trussell appeals hearing here.
March 6th, 09:00 Eastern time.
Here is the schedule for the court;
Here is the link to the online streaming court hearings.
You can sign up to receive email notifications of any new opinions posted by the Florida Appeals court.
Update from Col. Harry Riley; 03/07/2018
Initial and very preliminary feedback regarding Terry Trussell's hearing yesterday has been positive. The Judge's are reported to have questions about the judicial process in Dixie County and concern about some witness activity.
More to follow but do not quit praying for the judges who must come to a decision on Terry's case....pray for wisdom and righteous judgment.
Terry Trussell is a patriot, a veteran, a family man, a successful American but is now a political prisoner. Terry was convicted simply because he was rooting out potential crime which involved a county "deep state" apparatus...they attacked him with a vengeance and this travesty must be reversed...pray, pray, pray for a righteous judicial decision.
God bless Terry, Marie, and family.
March 15th, Now Court opinions posted as of today.
I hope this long delay in the court making a decision means they have plenty of questions regarding how Judge Hankinson and Prosecutor Meggs arrived at the decision of Terry's guilt, or even why they prosecuted him in the first place.
This could be a circumstance where no news is good news.
Lets keep praying.
March 28th, 2018. Still no opinion posted on the court web site.
Appears to be a long delay. Terry said it may take 2-3 weeks before any opinions are posted.
This is week 3. I wrote a letter to Terry yesterday, (mailed it this morning).
Have not heard a word from either Col. Riley or from Marie, Terry's wife.
I don't like this...................................................
Michael Regan, Please keep praying and keep that church group out there praying for him.
April 6th, I got a letter from Terry Trussell today;
Trying to get my scanner to work so I can post it here.
Terry says he is still cautiously optimistic. If the appeals court was going to simply blanket deny his appeal then the decision would have been posted within a week or so. It would be posted under the "Per-Curiam" columns.
But since that did not happen then we can only assume the Court is taking a long time and actually doing their job of investigating the case.
He is also hoping that the court will declare his conviction and the trial as UNconstitutional but says that could take a lot longer, 6-9 months.He does seem to be in good spirits and is holding up well considering the circumstances.
He was NOT able to watch the video of the court hearings but his lawyer called and played the audio for him.
Says he does appreciate all the support from all the friends.
Keep Praying......
And their guns. Everyone can see that every city and state they control is in the crapper.