We need a plan

We need a plan


For the past year or two the members of this, (and other) Patriots network forums have bantered back and forth discussing just about everything that we can conceive is (or may be) wrong with this Obama administration and our federal government. This is all well and good. But it all just seems to stay right here within the confines of this or the other network forum boards. No one on the “out-side’ ever hears or sees our rants and rages. Certainly not anyone from Washington DC. We post things here and everyone jumps on it like some kind of either ice cream, candy, or like some kind of smelly-old fish, depending on what it is or what the subject may be. But in the end our impact is nil – zip-zero- nada, ziltch. We even managed to loose the elections to one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. (I know he had lots of help from his drones)

Now don’t get me wrong here folks, I’m a member of this ‘Ning-thing’, and I’m just as guilty and as much to blame as anyone, (perhaps even more so because I’m one of the most verbal big mouths here). For the past year or more we’ve all been watching and waiting for someone to do something. We’ve all been watching and waiting and wondering “will anybody ever do something to stop this destruction of our country?” Who will make the call to action, and what will we do? Well no one has made ‘the call’, and so far nothing has been done. No one seems to be willing to even try to make an effort to get the attention of our own so-called Representatives in Washington or even in our own State capitols. Reinforcements are NOT coming. And no one is ever going to step up and become another George Washington.

Yes, we’ve all sent out emails and fax messages, and yes, we’ve posted things on Facebook and on Twitter. That has gotten us exactly nowhere so far. All we’ve succeeded in doing is winding each other up and engaging in a lot of self-inciting higher blood pressure and internal anger.

We lost the 2012 elections, BIG F-n DEAL, now we’ve got Communists like Dianne Frankenstein pushing her anti-gun legislation and the piker John Kerry being nominated for SOS.

I think our time to quit babbling and wining and crying to each other has run it’s course and the time to take action is very close indeed.

So, We Need a Plan.

The best way to figure out a plan is to begin by looking at your current resources.

We’ve got this Ning network, (thanks Twana and Harry) and it is NOT the only one that we have. Others have similar capabilities, such as a secure email messaging service, (veterans only sorry). This one (PFA) has a live chat room; many of our members have Skype live video communications. I think VMV also has some conference capabilities.  And with the number of members between several forums and communication boards we should be able to muster a little verbal power.

Lets use some of those resources to make our voices heard.

Twana (and a gentleman by the name of Tim Harrington) has access to a thing called Blog-Talk-Radio. In case some of you haven’t heard of that before it’s a great little service where they can broadcast a live ‘Radio” program on the internet and members can call in and join in the discussions. Well why not try to get some of our Congressional representatives on that Blog-Talk Radio program and see if we can get their attention?

My own specific geographical location is in Central Texas, only 120 miles south of where Glenn Beck does his daily broadcast for “The Blaze TV”. If I’m given enough authority and some materials to present perhaps we can get some attention out of them.

As for our Congressional reps, many of them will simply claim that if you are not in their local voting districts then there is no need for them to speak to us. But that attitude is wrong. If they have been voted into office then what they do up there effects us all, not only their constituents. That would be like asking Dianne Feinstein to limit her gun control laws to her own district, but not for the rest of the country. Lets see how fast she says no to that.

Make use of all of the resources that we have, and if they are lacking in some specific way, then look for a way to gain more resources and capabilities. Resources and people are strength. We need a new plan. And quickly. And I’m NOT referring to more petitions, email campaigns, FAX blasting, or an armed march on Washington, (yet).




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  • Brother McKinley, I have tried the communication route for the last three years, all I get is form letters, no results or actions. Washington D.C. is on auto-pilot. They don't want to hear, see or for that matter want to even respond to "WE THE PEOPLE", they think we didn't elect them to serve us, we elected them to serve themselves and their families. I am waiting to see if they actually think they can legislate "Gun Control" and really hope the military steps in to prevent the "Coronation" of BO in January, 2013, which is what I think needs to happen, otherwise, I suspect we will be in a Civil action once the Fiscal Cliff arrives with OBAMACARE in January and the people finally see the Gigantic taxes that will be hitting their lean budgets then or this Congress passes an Assault Weapons Ban and then starts gun confiscation in this country. Then maybe the number of people sitting on their asses in front of the TV's will discover the real truth....

    • Unfortunately Clois I know you're right about Congress being on auto-pilot. They don't seem to want to hear anything from any of us out here.
      What I was referring to is trying to some congressmen like Louis Gohmert from Texas, or Senator Cornyn of Texas, and basically any others we could find, and try to get them on that Blog-Talk-Radio Internet program for 1/2 an hour or more. There are many of us here that have tried the email, private message, fax, or what ever means to communicate but we have all met with the same results,,,,,,,, nothing.

      It IS discouraging to say the least. But these issues are too vital to our Sovereignty and security to give up.
      We must either make contact with these representatives and convince them to vote no one these issues or it will end in a civil war.
      If Dianne Feinstein's gun control legislation gets voted down, John Kerry will push it through by way of the United Nations Small Arms treaty. (Which I believe he will do anyway).

      When the people recognize what is happening to them as far as the new 2013 taxes, sure they will be angery enough about that, but gun control still will not bother them at all.

      This is one time, (John Kerry as SOS, and any type of gun control) I'm not willing to wait around to see what happens

      • Senator Cornyn and will be retired Kay Bailey Hutchinson are worthless with the rest of the Congress, all I have gotten out of them is form letters or some other bull shit letters about that they support my ideas, but will wait until the items comes to the floor for a Vote, Right?. I am afraid, it is too far down the rails, that it appears to me that a confrontation is coming, and we might as well finish getting prepared because I really think this Government from the pResident on down actually want a controntation with the American People. All their intentions look to me like that is the only direction they want to move. They believe "Nobody will fight, in this country", and for the uninformed or the un-willing, they are probably right. But I believe that the amount of Gun Sales going on in this country, says differently. I believe a very high percentage of Veterans, Patriots and others see the writing on the wall, like we have and are waiting on a significant signal, like another recession caused by the new onerous taxes, passing of the Assault Weapons Ban by both houses of Congress and/or  bypassing of Congress by Executive Order by the pResident in the white house and/or request to the UN to help in the confiscation and destruction of weapons held by the American people.

        The only thing I am doing is waiting for my answer and I think I will have my answer, if the coronation of BO happens in January and he is not removed from power by the military, he executes EO for the above, or the Congress, if allowed to pass an AWB on the American People and it is signed by BO or if the UN gets invited in to do the job.  The time of commitment is upon us, but you are right, WE DO NEED A MASTER PLAN FOR BATTLE. I have been calling for the master plan for the last year, but nobody is listening, even here, I am afraid the longer we take a "Let's wait and See" attitude, that the Government is already way a head of us in preparation with our tax dollars to defend against us (the American People who don't support Marxism, Communism, Socialism, or whatever face you want to put on to replace the Constitution), I think this government has already decided, the Constitution is DEAD, they are just finishing it off with the AWB and the First Amendment rights....  My two cents worth....BUT I WILL DEFEND MY PROPERTY AND MY FAMILY, INCLUDING MY BROTHERS HERE, IF IT ULTIMATELY COMES TO A FIGHT OR I WILL BE DEAD TRYING.,

        • Unfortunately Clois I think you and Twana are right. Congress is totally useless in stopping this transfermation into Marxism Communism. They seem to want it.

          I heard an interesting annology; The Robin Hood plan in reverse, the government takes from the people to give to the dictators and the rich power brokers. It's Robin Hood backwards.

          The stupid fools (usefull idiots) that voted for this jerks are about to learn a lesson they will never forget.

          I'm buying guns and ammo.


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