I am still in the process of working on the web site upgrade.
Our hosting system has upgraded their web site hosting systems to their newer version of this NING software application. Upgrading from version 2.0 to vs 3.0.
The whole web site is being transferred to a new platform.
And that means I have to rebuild the entire site.
Well most of it anyway.
The new design studio software they are using is a nightmare to figure out. But I'm learning.
I would really like to get the new home page to look as close to what we have now but having some difficulty getting it right.
Once I get the home page design right we will transfer it all back to our normal URL web address, (this site).
And then hopefully you will be able to find your way around.
But that means I have to get all the page links and columns correct.
Thanks for all your patience. I'm working on it.