Are we already living in a Communist State? Has America already been taken over by the United Nations and the world of the Communist totalitarian elites dictatorships?
Look around folks, You wont recognize much of what America - the FREE REPUBLIC used to be.
The similarities and comparisons between what we live under today and a total oppressive Communist state like China or Cuba are startling to say the least.
Everything we do is monitored, we are being watched by our own federal government every single day, in everything we do or say.
The NSA. (National Security Agency) has nearly complete and total surveillance powers and authority over our every move. This is why Edward Snowden blew the whistle on them. We hear a lot about Hillary Clinton's email scandals, but have you ever stopped to ask How did the NSA and FBI get those emails?
How did they know about them in the first place?
What about Julian Assange and Wikileaks? Why is our Government so pissed off at them? Can it be that Wikileaks exposed the levels of surveillance that we live under today?
Monitoring and censorship!? Today we have to be careful about what we say and where we say it.
Go to Facebook or Twitter and say something they don't approve off and you just might get a knock on the door from some Government agency goon squad. This comment alone might be enough to make that happen to me right here.
The term "Politically Correct" is really just another way of telling people to keep your mouths shut. If you say something they don't like you could easily and quickly find yourself in big trouble.
Politics ! Have we reached the point where these people will assassinate their political opponents? We all know they would like to get rid of Donald Trump. And we all know they are perfectly willing to kill him if it becomes necessary.
We out number them by a thousand to one, but they have us surrounded. What do I mean by that?
Take a look at a prison population, prisoners and guards. In many of the largest prisons in America the prisoner population out numbers the guards by 100 to one. And yet the guards rule the place with an Iron fist. Now compare that to the way we live here in America today. We live in a police state, like it or not, that's the way it is. And now our own federal government is forcing open borders and immigration into this country from all over the globe. This is the destruction of our sovereignty, our Constitutional Republic as we know it. And it is deliberate and calculated. Take a stand against it and you will likely find yourself in one of those prisons. Call yourself a Patriot, a veteran defender ! - You are instantly branded as a potential Domestic Terrorist. You want to own some land out west and live free? Ask the Hammonds and the Bundy's, Ask Lavoy Finnicum or a hundred others. Think you are going to speak out against government corruption !? Ask Jerry DeLemus or Terry Trussell.
Any time you hear a politician like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton say "We must keep moving forward" that is code talk for "We must continue the Fundamental Transformation of America into this One-world Governance of a totalitarian state" It's a Communist term used by the left.
Welcome to Amerika folks.
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Well, when the Patriots, the Veterans, that are still alive and the Militia get done in Washington and the states, these issues will be no more. They will be shutdown and eliminated (Destroyed).