The Florida Independent

U.S. Rep. Allen West, R- Fort Lauderdale, never one to shy away from controversy, appears to be coordinating with a highly controversial anti-Muslim group, judging by a recent article posted online by West himself. The piece, which West wrote for the conservative blog Red County, detailed what he calls “the most eventful weeks of [his] life.” #


First on my agenda once I got back in the office, was a meeting with the incredible Brigitte Gabriel, President and CEO of ACT! for America. This woman is fully charged and focused and determined to secure the safety of her country. #

Touted on ACT!’s website as “one of the leading terrorism experts in the world,” Gabriel has long made headlines for her outspoken views on Islam. The New York Times Magazine caught heat for calling her a “radical islamaphobe” in the preface to an interview, but Gabriel’s views are unarguably extreme. She was once quoted by the Australian Jewish News as saying that “every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim.” During a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, Gabriel addressed rumors of Presiden’t Obama’s Muslim background, saying that she could not “speak to what God he prays to in his private space,” but that ”all the signs show that he has a very soft spot for the Islamic world.” Gabriel is no stranger to Florida politics, either. In August 2010, she was one of several keynote speakers (others included Marco Rubio) at an Emerald Coast Tea Party rally. #


West himself came under fire in early February after a confrontation with the head of the Miami chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who accused the Republican Representative of continually “demonizing” and “insulting” the Islamic religion. He also appeared recently on the South Florida-based program The Shalom Show and said that Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim member of Congress, represents the “antithesis of the principles upon which this country was established.”

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  • Brigitte is awesome.  If ever given a chance to see her so!

    West is completely full up on what is transpiring here in America with the muzzy spreading!  

    Thanks Twana!!

  • Wish we could somehow get him to run for POTUS. He is every bit as qualified as what we now have in office.
    • I agree James.  At least this man is rooting for AMERICA!!!!
  • This man is totally gutsy, I just love him.

    B4 I got banned off my radio show for saying "hussein Obama" too much, me and this other news commentator interviewed Al West- GREAT guy

    • Yeah, back then it was taboo to mention his middle name. Now days, it is shoved in your face!
  • The biggest threat to America ever, with a Muslim in the White House and the Muslims in the field.
  • Love Brigette and West!
  • Three Things You Should Know about Islam

    VIDEO: passed the one million mark on YouTube. It has been viewed over a million times in less than six weeks

    Think Islamic problems caused by a small minority of Muslims?

    “Demoting Islam’s Religion Status.” - Understanding the Name Martel Sobieskey -


    Three Things You Should Know about Islam
    Think Islamic problems caused by a small minority of Muslims?
  • I have met some of the local southern California Act for America leaders and attended a meeting or two.  These are brave fearless patriot Americans (many of them military veterans) who are doing what they can to educate Americans into the danger that the infilteration of the Muslims into America represents.   They have the facts and have studied the slick process that Islam used to methodically take over country after country and enslave populations.   Every American needs to Google up their web site and procure their information.   If you are not aware of the dangers, there is no way to defend yourselves and your country.   When Islam can not just take over a country they are patient and use the cancer approach.  Like cancer, slowly attacking and spreading until after years of infiltering key positions they kill the host body.


  • Go West!
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