What are the end goals of your Tea Party or Group?

1. What are the goals of your Tea Party or Group?

2. Have you met any of those goals?

3. What will it take to meet those goals?

4. Are you in this for our Republic or a wage or self status?

5. What are your true desires for our republic?

6. Ask questions you have of OUR grassroots movement.

7. What does Conservatism mean to you?

8. What does our constitution mean to you?


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  • 1- To open a dialog with like-minded activist citizens and to be actively engaged in the battlefield of ideas.

    2- It's a never ending process.

    3- Prayer, persistance, dedication, education, patience.

    4- For our childrens future and the preservation of the Republic.

    5- That it be populated with peace-loving citizens devoted to its founding principles.

    6- Are YOU seeking alliances with like-minded groups in every State and community?

    7- To have a lifestyle and personal belief system in harmony the Creator God, and the best interests of my fellow man.

    8- It is the only system of government ever devised by God-fearing men intended to curtail man's lust for power and maximize individual liberty.

    • Why has the Tea Party NOT bothered with dumbamas eligibility This is a big part of the current problem the the Nation has at this time.
  • If the Tea Party really do believe that the Constitution is the backbone of our Republic and the FEDS and State governements should have to obey both the letter and spirit of the document, then they would be staunchly supporting and defending the following portion against all enemies foreign and domestic by requiring that the President prove his Constitutional eligibility to serve in the office of President of the United States and as Commannder-in-Chief of America's Armed Forces.

    Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution requires that:

    No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;

    Note the conjunction "or" there... this suggests that only a "natural born Citizen" shall be eligible for the Office of President, while a "Citizen of the United States", at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution can also be eligible to the office of President.

    However, a "Citizen of the United States" born after the adoption of the Constitution, would not be eligible to the Office of the President.

    Therefore, all "natural born Citizens" are eligible to the Office of the President, while only "Citizens of the United States" who are "natural born Citizens" are eligible to the Office of the President.

    • Maybe this section of the Constitution will be reviewed and certified by congressmen of integrity this time, especially if Obama runs again in 2012.  The Speaker of the House last time was Nancy Pelosi.  Our new Speaker of the House has said this is not an important issue to him at this time.  Maybe, at that time, it will be.....  This is not a great time for the RNC to be some 22 million behind and the Democrats to essentially be recipients of  TARP and bail out billions.  Jerel in Georgia.
  • The tea party represents fiscal responsibility, But the main mission should be to take the power of the Federal government back to the States. That would benefit all, we would have more voice in your state politics and where your state wants to go.It would allow the liberals to have their states the way they see fit and for more conserverative states to rule the way they want.If you live in a state with politics you can't change and don't like you could move to one of the other 49 states. I have no idea why the federal government is in education, agriculture, community action etc... The Federal government should get the smaller amount of taxes to protect us that includes our borders. We send most of our taxes to the Federal governement and they should be the smallest and the states should get most of their own tax dollars to run their own states by the peoples voices. That should be the big picture, State governement and Federal protecting our lands.   BOTH MUST RULE BY THE PEOPLE NOT HOW THEY SEE FIT.
  • 1. The Tea Party is a new force.

    2. It represents the average person no matter what political party they have been with.

    3. We have gotten people elected who know what they must get done. That in it's self is a great accomplishment.

    4. Until we get more people in public offices, we will have to do our best to undermine the radical judges and slowly lever them out of office.

    5. Our ultimate goal is full restoration of the Constitution, balanced budgets and secure borders!

    Every election we win with new blood, the closer we get to the goal.

    • Well said KIM

      if this agenda 21 is pushed down our throats we can say good bye to this country, This president has already said in one of his speeches that the constitution was meant for times long past and that it should be rewritten and many things things left out (like the 2nd amendment) none of the dems want the 2nd around and they figure the only way to get rid of it is to rewrite the constitution in their image and for what they want for the people.

  • To me the goals are to start to move our Country back to its heritage: a belief in our Founding Documents, a return to a Federal Gov that is small and limited in scope (which includes immigration), removes regulations which impeed our growth, reduce spending to no more than 20% of GNP.  Given the length of time the Big Gov wheels have been in motion; I see this as long range repair with small incremental steps.  Entitlements: the 800 pound gorilla in the room must be addressed and are ignored at our peril.  Education is key: talk and teach everyone you meet, read everything and expand your individual knowledge of History and issues.  Moving into the GOP has been a goal, and one accomplished. I also believe the Tea Party as a whole has brought forward true champions for Liberty in DC:  we have provided the cover for people like Jim DeMint and Michele Bachmann to step forward and stand stronger.  I personally am in this for our Country and its future, everything from working as a scheduler on a campaign, GOP Chair, Budget Comm, Corganizer of a 912, mbr of numerous groups, donations to candidates, and PACS, giving out Constitutions, etc..is all volunteer.  The Constitution is a near perfect document: unfortunately we need to add a balanced budget ammendment and a Congess shall make no law affecting the citizenry that does not affect them.  Liberty given by God inforced by our Constituition and restored to that stature is my goal.  I may never see this happen in my lifetime, but I will work to that end.
  • The Tea Party, I think first you have to understand what the Tea Party is as many groups or individuals under one banner. Personally, I have been doing this for some thirty five years and I see no end in sight. The majority are relatively new having reached some tipping point. If I was to condense the many goals to one it would be speak up and be noticed but to do this it take knowledge and passing this knowledge on to others. This part never ends.

    What goals did we accomplish, our local groups did get Brown 41 elected and smaller things like stopping our state constitutional amendment. I don’t have time to list them all.

    What more do we need, that would be time to infiltrate further in to the state GOP and possibly some funding to start our own newspaper.

    The last questions refer back to the beginning with the many groups involved with preservation of the life of an unborn to the stopping of tyranny and oppression. Again there are simply too many to list them all.
  • Social conservatism is as important as fiscal conservatism, the Tea Party needs to be both

    Please excuse me, I see someone is misinformed.

    Let us start at the beginning, the founding of the State and this Nation.

    James Kent on American law 1832, Of the Rights of Person, “The inhabitance of Massachusetts, in their infancy of their establishments, declared by law that the free enjoyment of the liberties which humanity, civility, and Christianity called for, was due to every man in his place and proportion, and ever had been, and ever would be, the tranquility and stability of the commonwealth.”

    Everyone, each individual in his or her place and proportion is the tranquility and stability of the commonwealth, to the big government types this would seem to be an absurdity. The big government types will tell you it is the job of government to put the people in their place or we would have anarchy. That would be true if you follow the doctrine we declared independence from, this is American Exceptionalism. We are not them, we absolved all allegiance and all political connection from that system, so stated in the Declaration of Independence.

    Now what, we kicked out the ruling class, heck that’s not working so lets do the opposite, but how. It is declared by law in our State Constitution as a “duty of all” “to worship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe.” That the “order and preservation of civil government, essentially depend upon piety, religion and morality.” President George Washington, “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States…. His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.” President Lincoln, Gettysburg address, “This nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

    Hold on, I know what comes next is some diatribe over Christianity, perversion of some narrow scripture and ridicule, and they are all wrong. The Constitution has a broad definition of religion as any moral code, “Individual Conscience,” the protection thereof and not any specific. The courts have ruled that atheism is the same as a religion under the broad scope of religion as defined by our Constitution, as any moral sense of right and wrong. John Jay rejoiced, "Security under our constitution is given to the rights of conscience." Thomas Jefferson, "It is inconsistent with the spirit of our laws and Constitution to force tender consciences." James Madison affirmed, "Government is instituted to protect property of every sort - conscience is the most sacred of all property."

    Social Conservative, some would like you to believe that social values are not that important. I hear it all the time in the Tea Party that we should be Fiscal Conservatives and not Social Conservative, it is too divisive. Simply stated, you cannot and must not separate the two because the two are interdependent. Liberties, humanity, civility, tranquility and stability create fiscal determination, which is dependent on Social Conservatism.


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