What is the right question?


American Truths/Honoring the U.S. Troops



I continually hear the question… Do our troops still support us (American Citizens)? I understand peoples concerns but I can’t help but wonder if that is the wrong question.  My first question is, “Do the United States Citizens still support our troops?”

We see the constant onslaught of destruction against our beloved country, liberty and constitution. We are very concerned for our children and wonder what their lives will be like in 5 – 10 years. We rightly want our children protected from our foreign and domestic enemies. The parents/families of our troops also want their sons and daughters (husbands, wives, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins, friends) protected from our foreign and domestic enemies.

Do we raise our voices and keep them raised about the insane ROEs that are making our troops sitting targets and getting many of them maimed and/or killed? Do we make sure our troops are protected like we expect and demand our kids protected?  I don’t see or hear it. Some days I hear some grumblings about horrid treatment of our troops but then the next day brings on the new bait of whatever the Obama admin and the msm use to distract we the citizens and the previous days grumblings are old and forgotten.

They have our backs.....Do you/we have theirs? How?

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  • Thanks for the article.

  • Twana:  You may consider this comment off point, but it's my contention that the only thing which will get EVERY Citizen seriously concerned about the welfare of our troops is to re-institute the draft.  If our Country is truly in danger from foreign threats then it is EVERY Citizens duty to stand up and fight.  There are too many Citizens sitting home allowing others to pack the gear THEY should be packing.  When every parent knows that their son or daughter will be drafted to defend this Country they, along with their sons and daughters, will get seriously involved rather than giving little concern to the situation - as it is now - because they have no skin in the game.  A second benefit of a re-institution of the draft would be that ALL Citizens would seriously concern themselves with whether or not our government was acting rationally when it opted, for political gain, to endanger our troops by involving them in some miserable back water of the world while ignoring the dangers which threaten us on our own borders here at home.

    Semper Fi


  • I would rather die (therefore participate in offense and/or activism) than obey any orders, let alone “protect” this “administration”, congress and/or senate… so honestly I find it difficult to understand the troops.

    It took only 3 years to fight off the mighty nazi and Japanese armies albeit at a much greater man cost on both sides, and that’s only because of liberals running the wars as usual… and today the troops cannot clear a few maggots in rags for 12 years… that should speak volumes to the troops about the quality of their commanders… yet they obey… I don’t know, I like the average soldier but I think they either feel inferior or need the money, and money by the way makes all of us inferior in the eyes of the “superiors”… all wars should be about getting rid of the enemy wherever it may be, coming home to friends and/or family as soon as practical and preventing common enemies from recurring.

  • i agree with clarence. also the fact remains quite a few of those so called supporters of our troops will show up for a welcome home so they get on camera and then do nothing else. the rates of unemployment ,suicide and homelessness tells me that nothing has changed in this country.

  • I have to take very strong exception to your very first statement.  I don't think there has ever been a question of the troops supporting us (us meaning the people of the nation).  Our entire military is an all volunteer force, therefore, to even pose such a question is completely out of order.  Were you to rephrase that statement and ask if our military leadership, both civilian and military, support us (us meaning the people of the nation) I would answer with a resounding NOT NO BUT HELL NO!!  Our military leadership of both ilks is so steeped in political correctness and career progression that they have no idea what it means to fully support the troops thereby giving them the tools needed to end this useless unwinable fiasco known as the war on terrorism.  With a very few exceptions I would have to include every member of congress.  You want to prevent another 9/11 the answer is so easy a child could figure it out.  Keep the sorry b******s out of the country.  Put every muslim SOB in the world on a no fly list and then gather up all of their ilk in the country and deport them.  There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.  Moderate muslim is an oxymoron.  That includes any that may have been born here.  We don't need them we don't want them.  If the UN, Hilary Clinton, or anyone else complains run them out also.  There is a well known axiom which says, those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.  Guess what, Afghanistan has never been completely conquered.  The Brits tried for how many years without success.  More recently the Soviet Union, at that time the second most powerful nation on earth, tried and they got their head handed to them on a platter.  I would like to know the name of the pantywaist Washington bureaucrat lunatic who dreamed up the idea of trying to conquer the country with all of our politically correct rules.  That's no reflection on our troops.  Were they allowed to take the gloves off this thing would have been over long ago and the entire country would be pacified.  The problem is the idiots in DC who seem to think you can wage war without collateral damage and civilian casualties.  Of course for those mental midgets WWII and all of its lessons regarding collateral damage and civilian casualties are ancient history that no longer applies.  To that end they should talk to any survivors they can find of the firebombing of Hamburg and Dresden.  As a group every person who has ever worn this country's uniform and received an honorable discharge has gotten the short end of the stick.  They have been having it stuck to them by the politicians ever since the Revolution.  For over 235 years they have been given short shrift but they keep coming back for more.  That should tell you something about the character of our military.  As an example of the current crop of junior officers I would give you the following example.  I recently had the privilege to speak with an Iraq and Afghanistan vet.  About the time of the 9/11 attacks he had just graduated from Harvard Law School with honors.  As a result of the attacks he went and visited the local recruiting office.  They were all prepared to make him a JAG officer and as much as told him he was out of his mind when he said he wanted to be an infantry officer.  However, he insisted and eventually they relented and made him an infantry officer.  Not only did become an infantry officer but also went to jump school and ranger qualified.  He is now running for Congress and I can only hope that he wins.  If you want to see how the troops are being shafted all you have to do is watch the TV ads for Wounded Warrior Project.  There should be absolutely no need for Wounded Warrior Project.  Everything you see in those ads should be done for the vets by the government.  I would love to be able to take Body Odor, Biden, Panetta, Boehner, Schumer and a few others and stick them in some lonely forgotten outpost for a few nights.  Guaranteed you wouldn't be able to stand the smell of them when they came back.

  • In a snow storm this past January, my wife and I drove to Peroria, IL, to see Rascal Flatts. The concert was great, but when the Marines came on stage, in full dress, it was the height of the evening and it brought the house down.

    if you didn't get the chills when you saw those young Marines saluting the American flag with patriotic music accompaniment, then you weren’t an American. The Peoria Civic Center was full of patriotic appreciative born Americans that evening, paying tribute to the Marine Corps and offering positive reinforcement at the top of their lungs.

    On the other hand, I think our soldiers in battle, are getting weary and unsure of the support from many of their commanding officers. And with the apologetic commander and thief, attempting to hijack our country, it just adds more insult in face of these soldiers that defend the country they love.

    When you go to war, you go to win, otherwise you don’t go. Our leadership has forgotten the mission of the military… it is not a mobile police force. The military has one primary mission and that is to defend this country and WIN wars when necessary. But it’s the quality and the capability of our leadership that is in question, specially the one taking up space in the Oval office and how in the world was he even considered eligible. And removing Sir Winston Churchill’s bust and sending it back to Britain is a slap in the face to the British that have been our allies through thick and thin and just one more attempt at changing the America so many have fought and died for to keep it the way it was.

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