What Lame Stream Media isn't saying

I found this might be part of Obama's headache in trying to hush up his "Benghazi-gate"...


BusinessInsider Headline: How US Ambassador Chris Stevens May Have Been Linked To Jihadist Rebels In Syria:


The Times Headline: Largest Shipload of Libyan Weapons Heading to Armed Groups in Syria:


The Telegraph Headline:  Leading Libyan Islamist met Free Syrian Army opposition group (By Ruth Sherlock in Tripoli - 9:00PM GMT 27 Nov 2011) <---Note: This was from her reporting last year.


So, is this why Obama and his gang are covering up on Benghazi-gate?

AP news: CIA found militant links a day after Libya attack:


This is found AFTER the attack, but was somebody aware of it BEFORE the attack and that's why security was lacking for Amb. Stevens?

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  • This massacre of Americans on AMERICAN SOIL is an abomination! and the blase attitutude of Obama is disgusting. These were human beings that begged for more security. If this isn't enough to wake people up, what will?

  • Obama's administrations has been one of Cover-up, Blame, reckless spending and total DISHONESTY.

  • The only life that means anything to obummer is his own.

  • we the people,who are the real government,as long as we the people,allow this ineligible pile of excurement/ovomit to remain in office,with his band of treasonous communist traitors,the longer this ineligible fecus in the wh,will just keep doing what he is doing,i again call on the nra/wayne theres 4 or 5 million members,to the nra/aarp/amac/john birch society,all militias,all american veternas/citizens time to be alerted/ prepared/focused/plan/refine plan/to come together under one giant freedom umbrella,not a revolution,an evolution a gradual peacefull change.we can,t count on,or trust any of these do nothing,useless,lawless,traitors in government.god bless romney/ryan,sheriff joe and cold case posse,chuck norris,frank serpcio,and all american veternas/citizens,one nation under god.

  • BaROKE OWEbumbler said in his book "Audacity of Hope" page 261:  "I WILL STAND WITH THE MUSLIMS SHOULD THE POLITICAL WINDS SHIFT IN AN UGLY DIRECTION."   How much UGLIER can it get than 2000+ AMERICANS MURDERED BY MUSLIMS on 9/11??   How much UGLIER can it get than 13 MORE AMERICANS MURDERED BY A MUSLIM AT FORT HOOD, or an AMERICAN Ambassador RAPED, TORTURED, MURDERED with 3 Co-workers BY MUSLIMS IN LIBYA??   Is OWEbumbler saying "God Bless America" TO OUR FACE and "Allahu Akbar" BEHIND OUR BACKS??   Inscribed in Arabic on the GOLD RING on his left hand it says "There is no God but Allah"---THERE IS YOUR ANSWER AMERICA!!!   That's why he refuses to call the murder of Ambassador Stevens an act of TERROR!  That's why he calls the MURDER of soldiers at Fort Hood--WORKPLACE VIOLENCE AND REFUSES PURPLE HEART AWARDS TO THOSE WOUNDED!!  He is PROTECTING MUSLIMS just as FDR PROTECTED COMMUNISTS during his administration--refusing to prosecute communists, blocking deportation and arrests of communists--even TAKING AWAY ARREST POWER OF FBI to protect communists.  OWEbumbler IS A MUSLIM AT HEART!!

  • I think Stevens was up to his eyeballs in weapons transfers... SOMEbody had to do it!  And 20,000 stingers of the Ghaddafi regime were missing, which is what the Seals were looking for..and now seems the Syrians have brought down military air assets?  Stinks to the high heavens!

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