When tyranny becomes law - resistance becomes necessary.
When Federal bureaucracies decide they can make a law - virtually about anything they want - that does not Necessarily make it right, that does not necessarily make that law just and worthy of obedience. It has been said that laws are made to be broken. And when some laws are written with the specific intention of violating the rights and freedoms of the people then bureaucrats and officials should expect those laws to be rejected and thus violated by the people. The instituting of such laws is in itself a violation of GOD'S laws of humanity and freedom.
Prosecutors have argued that armed gunmen were using force and intimidation to defy the rule of law.
So now with all of this said and written, lets now put this Bundy case and the Hammonds into proper perspective;
In the early 1980's the Bureau of Land Management knew that there were substantial deposits of very valuable minerals in several western states, including Oregon, Utah, and Nevada among others.
Deposits of Gold and Uranium were discovered as well as several other minerals.
But the Department of the Interior which is the parent Government agency of the Bureau of Land Management decided not to do anything about those minerals at that particular time.
However during the Obama administration however, (2008-2016) and also during the previous Bush administrations, (2001-2008), when the US deficit rose to nearly 20-TRILLION Dollars, the US was approaching the point where extracting those valuable mineral resources was becoming a point of high interest. At 20-TRILLION dollars in national debt, the world banking community was getting a little nervous about our collateral as the world's largest borrower nation. Interest in our rich national mineral deposits and natural resources was gaining attention. People around the world were beginning to take notice of all that wealth hidden beneath the surface of many western states. All that money was just sitting there, right under our feet and no one was extracting it.
Several people in high Government positions did however have knowledge of all those resources and the potential wealth buried beneath the surface. The problem was how to extract and sell those minerals and the rights to them since the land was under deed by several private individuals and States ownerships. The only way they could sell those assets was to first secure ownership and control over the land and the mineral rights. The Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management had the power and authority to force the owners out of business and to force them to sell or otherwise grant ownership to the BLM and the Federal Government. But at least two of these Government individuals decided why should they just let all that money go to the Federal Government when they could get a large chunk of it for themselves first.
This now is the infamous sale of uranium to the Russian owned corporation Uranium-One by Hillary Rodham Clinton and also the sale of Nevada land and resources by then Senator Harry Reid and his Son. They used the BLM to force the ranchers off the property, (By any means necessary).
So the BLM changed the rules and the demands placed on the ranchers and farmers with the specific goals and intentions of driving the ranchers off the land. These are the rules and demands that Cliven Bundy is now accused of violating. The Hammond ranchers in Oregon have already been imprisoned, and nearly 100 other ranchers in Nevada and Oregon have been driven into bankruptcy. The land and minerals have been seized by the BLM.
When the Federal Government and more specifically unelected bureaucrats and agencies impose rules and regulations upon American citizens and those rules are designed specifically for the benefit of others withing the Government then those rules and regulations automatically become null and void and Unconstitutional. This is the case of the rules and regulations imposed upon the Ranchers in Nevada and Oregon. The force imposed by the BLM in a heavily armored raid against the Bundy ranch was in itself Unconstitutional.
“Prosecutors have argued that armed gunmen were using force and intimidation to defy the rule of law.”
Mr. Cliven Bundy, Ammon and Ryan Bundy and others are being accused of violating laws which were designed specifically and intentionally to drive them off the land.
Here's something maybe worth thinking about. Dwight and Steven Hammond were charged and convicted for Federal domestic terrorism - - for allowing a back-fire to get out of control and burning 120 acres of open range grass lands. But setting back-fires to combat wild range fires is standard practice and the BLM does it all the time. The first people to learn this was the American Indians. The American Indians learned several hundred years ago that burning the grass made it come back greener, richer, and stronger. And that is exactly what happened to the grass that was burned in the Hammond incidence.
The bottom line in this is that we all know the Hammonds could not possibly be charged and imprisoned for "Destroying" the range lands. That never happened, so there HAD to be an underlying purpose and reason to imprison the Hammonds. THAT reason was Hillary Rodham Clinton and her Uranium-One scam. There can Never be any doubt about that. The next issue is that Oregon Governor Kate Brown was acting on orders and instructions from either Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, or from the FBI and the BLM. Governor Brown ordered the Oregon State police to bring an undeniable END to any more "Terrorist" demonstrations such as the Malheur wild life reserve. Governor Kate Brown is guilty of ordering the murder of Robert Lavoy Finicum.
And the same thing is happening right now in the Bundy trial in Nevada.