If we're gonna get President Trump back in the oval office, where he should be right now, and get rid of blacks, Jews, Muslims, democrats and immigrants and put women back where they belong (read the bible) we'd better get a move on.
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Where is everyone?????
That's what I would like to know.
In regards to your question Rooster, most likely others thought you were no longer around with the long gaps in between your posts. I checked every day and saw nothing. That's me, only, of course.
Who the hell are you to say get rid of everyone else? My parents were immigrants and most likely so were yours. The only thing I agreed with in your outrageous statement was in regards to President Trump.
And I don't even agree with the Trump part - he has had his day, and it wasn't bright. Looking for some young blood and there is a raft of it out there, but how can we discern? Actually Mr. Rooster, I would like to hear you discuss what could resolve the issues with gun violence. We can't just lock everyone up, including 6 year olds who shoot their teacher. I too believe the right to arms TRULY matters, but like all rights - it has perversions.
Where is Solomon when you need him?
By the way Jayman, this is not a white supremacy platform, it is for all American Patriots. We always have been a land welcoming to legal immigrants and women belong wherever they feel they belong. You sound to me like one worthless P.O.S. so you might as well be a democrat.
I apologize Rooster and Burnetta but his comment has been eating away at me all day.
My Comments on this one;
Jayman - I do NOT agree with you on getting rid of anyone except possibly some of the democrats, those who have gone too far left into the world of communism.
This web site is and always has been open to anyone who remains civil and polite.
One thing I will not tolerate is nasty racism. Some of our strongest (and longest) supporters are of different color or ethnic origines.
On President Trump:
At the time he was elected the first time, (2016), we all knew Washington DC was corrupt. The problem is no one knew just how bad things actually were up there.
The place is beyond corrupt. But we elected Trump as Prresident, we expected him to "drain-the-swamp". And then everyone simply walked away and left him on his own to get it done.
Anyone that has been following the Washington proceeds since that time should be able to understand why he wasn't able to get as much accomplished as he (and we) wanted to do.
In fact it's amazing that he ever got anything done. Remember the Russa - Russa - Russa scams. And the endless investigations, and the attacks. In fact the continue to this day. One of the problems I believe Trump had was a weak and inexperienced advisory staff. None of them had any real experience in Washington politics. (With the possible exception of Steve Bannon).
Other than that no one knew just how vicious and nasty Washington really was.
SO - At this point, here is what I would like to see.
If Trump is nominated in 2024 I would like to see him nominate either Ron DeSantis or Rick Santorim as his VP. Yes - I agree we need some young blood up there. But we need someone with some political savy, some experience in dealing with that rats nest.
But no matter who is elected as President in 2024 the American people MUST continue to get involved. If that means getting nasty and violent then so-be-it. But cleaning out that swamp must be done. The United States of America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC. It is NOT a Democracy. The only part of being a democracy that we have is in our election processes. (Those who get the most votes wins.)
That brings us to election integrity. The 2020 elections were corrupt - plain and simple. Now it's up to us - The American people to straighten that out.
And we better get it done. Each and every State is responsible for conducting their election processes. And every State is responsible for secuting the integrity of those elections.
The Democrats will attempt to do the same thing in 2024 that they did in 2020. It's up to the American people to stop them.
And that includes dealing with the fake-news-National Media. The attacks against Trump (or any Republican) will be beyond visious. They need to be held accountable. seriously accountable.
Some people will claim here that I am calling for violence. What I am calling for is for the American People to stand up, get involved, Take control of those elections - the truth and integrity of the elections, and hold the news media accountable for every word they say or broadcast.
The strength of our Constitution rests only with the strength and determination of the people to maintain and preserve it. If we don't preserve and defend the Constitution then we don't have anythjg at all.
Get involved. Preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. If that demands violence the so be it.
What ever it takes and nothing more or anything less.
The issues of gun violence:
Stopping gun violence is nothing new, that's a problem we have always had. It's just being magnified and amplified now by the anti-gun crowds.
Is there really a problem with too much gun violence? Yes! but it's not something that can not be managed.
Pay attention, look for the truth.
Where is the majority of the gun violence taking place?
It's mostly in big cities like Chicago, New York City, Los Angelas, Atlanta, and Baltimore.
All cities with strick gun control laws.
The cities with less gun laws and restrictions have much less gun violence and crimes. These are places where people are allowed to protect themselve. And criminals know it.
We are much less prone to being a victim of gun violence where criminals know the people might be well armed and prepared to defend themselves.
One of the many stastics that has been erased is the number of times a home owner has used a gun to defend their home and family.
Liberals don't want you to see those numbers.
A well armed citizenary is a peaceful citizenary.
And the Second Amendment is critical to defending the Constitution.
That brings me to my silence and absence over the past year;
Only two or three of my friends here know about this but I spent much of last year suffering from a bad stomach ulcer. A bad one. I spent several weeks in the hospital and several trips to the emergency rooms.
I've got the medical bills to prove it.
I managed to survive thanks to the help from a nurse who is a member of this web forum.
Thanks Kathie.
Okay, So now it looks like we're back to the basic question;
Where IS everybody?
Am I the only one that knows how to write?
I know if you watch the news there's plenty of things to talk about.
Watch NewsMax - IF you can still find it.
Watch Breighbart News channel, or OANN news.
Listen to Tucker Carlson and a few others on Fox News.
If you still have a job someplace, If you are still trying to pay your mortgage or rent, or if you've got medical bills.
You know things are tough.
The Biden administration is doing this deliberately. As I said before in my little video, A starving Army wont put up much of a battle.
And it's the intention of the radical Left to starve us all to death, but they will drive us all into total bankruptcy first.
By the end of the Biden administration your new home and residence may be in a cardboard box on the sidewalk.
You are not very likely to put up much of a battle like that. No matter how many guns you have.
I'm definitely around each day, Rooster and sorry to hear about your health problems. Glad you are here and hopefully better.
Well I managed to survive. Lost my Gallblader and that ulcer damn near killed me.
But I'm still alive.
Thanks to a lot of help from Kathie Riley, Col. Harry Riley's daughter.