Where Will Maryland Stand

MD. PatriotsMaryland is a state governed by the few. In past years I have excused my apathy by saying that it doesn't matter if you vote in Maryland. If you are conservative you lose, if you are liberal you will win. Maryland is ruled by three small yet densly populated areas. Baltimore city, PG county and DC. The rest of the state doesn't matter. I have a hunch that there are a lot of people in those other areas that are so apathetic that they have not voted in years. I am one of them. We have all talked to people who are secretly conservative and do not get involved. Well the time has come to come out of the closet. We are only 15 people in this states group. If you add DC we still don't add up to more than 20. This is meager group, but we can make an impact. There was another sparsely populated group that made an huge impact, they were the men who pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. I am asking each of us who joined this Maryland group to start encouraging our friends and aquaintances to get involved. First by joining Maryland Patriots for America, or whatever PFA state they are living in. Then by getting their friends and aquaintances to get active and involved. It stands to reason that people are friends of yours because they agree with much of what you believe. Otherwise they would not even like you. Human nature is such that people seek out people of like mind. Now I ask that you start inviting your friends, family and anyone you know to become active in saving their country. Young people especially. I was discussing these things with my son the other day. He said he was too busy building his company to be involved with poloitcs. I said don't worry about it, it will be you that has to pay for it anyway, and when you get the bill it will be too late. He got the message. When you show a person how this policy hits their pocketbook it piques their interest. So please, just share your views with one person at a time. give them the web address so they can get involved. The person you bring in will bring their friends, who will bring in more and so on. That is what a grass roots movement is all about.Kevin Zurrin

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