WND Exclusive


Whistleblower jailed by judges, cops he's accusing

Retired naval officer allegedly beaten and tasered

Posted: October 28, 2010
10:29 pm Eastern

By Brian Fitzpatrick

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Walter Fitzpatrick

Filing a complaint about President Obama's eligibility has led retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick III into some very deep waters.

The 58-year-old Naval Academy graduate is now paying the price for fighting City Hall. Fitzpatrick was arrested Wednesday for missing

a court date, and he now sits in jail after allegedly being beaten and

tasered by Monroe County, Tenn., deputies. 

"I've been told he's been beaten up pretty good, enough to require X-rays," freelance reporter J.B. Williams told WND.

Williams, a Tennessee businessman, has been following the Fitzpatrick case for two years.

Monroe County Sheriff Bill Bivens confirmed that Fitzpatrick is being held while he awaits a Dec. 1 trial. "I can't tell you about his health, but I can say there's nothing wrong with him," Bivens told WND.

A Monroe County police officer told WND Fitzpatrick has been seen by the jail nurse. "I'm told he was tasered repeatedly," said Williams.

Williams said Fitzpatrick has uncovered "systemic corruption" in Monroe County in the course of attempting to bring accusations regarding Barack Obama before the grand jury.

According to Williams, the FBI is currently investigating corruption in Monroe County. FBI Knoxville office special agent Gary Johnson refused to confirm or deny that an investigation is ongoing.

"There's been one death in all of this," Williams told WND.

Newly appointed GOP election commissioner Jim Miller was murdered in July, and "only" Monroe County deputies are suspects, said Williams.

Williams said backers of Fitzpatrick have collected sworn affidavits from several Monroe County residents claiming they have been physically abused by the sheriff's department.

"Everybody's clammed up now," said Williams. "They're scared to death, even folks who've given us their affidavits.

"I can say this because I'm from Tennessee," Williams continued. "Eastern Tennessee is very much of the 'Deliverance' mindset down there still, where small-town authorities feel completely free to run
roughshod over anybody they want. It's a very dangerous situation down there."

As WND reported, Fitzpatrick tried unsuccessfully to place evidence about Obama's eligibility before a Monroe County grand jury in 2009. The effort led him to discover what he considers to be corruption in the county courts and sheriff's office.

For example, Fitzpatrick has asserted that state law places a two-year limit on the term of a grand-jury foreman, but Monroe County grand-jury foreman Gary Pettway has occupied the office for 27 years.

In April, Fitzpatrick attempted to execute a citizen's arrest of Pettway at the county courthouse, resulting in his own arrest for allegedly inciting a riot.

According to an AP story reprinted by the Knoxville News Sentinel, "Assistant District Attorney General James Stutts said in a previous court filing that rulings in such challenges of grand-juror
qualifications show there is 'no limit on the number of two-year terms for which a foreman may be reappointed.'"

Williams claimed Fitzpatrick has never been formally charged with a crime.

"No complaint has ever been filed. … He's asked at every hearing to know his accuser, and several different judges have told him it's none of his business," said Williams.

Last Friday's court date was a hearing to determine whether Fitzpatrick could replace his legal counsel. According to Williams, Fitzpatrick submitted a written request to dismiss attorney Steven
Pidgeon on Oct. 19, leading Special Circuit Judge Jon K. Blackwood to schedule an emergency hearing Oct. 22.

"Circuit Court Clerk Marty Cook said Fitzpatrick was sent notice that he was supposed to be in court Friday," Oct. 22, according to The Advocate & Democrat newspaper.

Not so, says Williams. "They never notified Fitzpatrick" about the hearing, Williamsasserted. "He found out he was wanted from newspaper reports on Monday."

"Special Circuit Judge Jon Blackwood also ordered Fitzpatrick held without bond until his Dec. 1 trial," AP reported.

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  • Sounds like a judge or two and a punk Sheriff and his Lackies need to be put in prison
    • this is a bunch of crap.theres a couple of sites called jail for judges and cop watch.
  • They'll get theirs. THEY WILL GET WHAT'S COMING!
    • Hopefully they will,but quite often they get away with it,i used to have a great respect for lawenforcement, i dont any more and i was a deputy on the reserves for 8 years.
  • Twana, I just sent this information to Judicial Watch, asking them to look into it. They are currently holding their annual membership drive so maybe we will see some sort of action. Semper Fi
  • If the retired Col wrapes a towel on his head and says he has coverted to Islam, he'll be out tomorrow. You would think this was in Frisco, not TN!
    • ill even loan him the towel.
  • INTIMIDATION...INTIMIDATION...INTIMIDATION! If you do not fall inline with the establishment, they will make you pay. It is well past the time when they all were made to pay. How many times are we going to hear of one more of Americas Patriots being ramrodded by the political class for standing up to them before the rest of the sheeples eyes open up.
  • I linked this up- I have NEVER felt so fkn helpless to do anything- this is disgusting, and WHERE is the beloved FAUX NEWS WHILE A PATRIOT IS IN JAIL FOR NOTHING
  • "He's asked at every hearing to know his accuser, and several different judges have told him it's none of his business," said Williams."
    I,isn't there something in the Constitution about knowing your accusers.
This reply was deleted.


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