White Christmas Now Racist?

White Christmas Now Racist.


So in light of the constant barrage of racism accusations from the left from Chris Matthews and yet another accusation about Sarah Palin. That and the Christmas holiday season right around the corner, I thought I would have a little fun!


So I have now looked at the classic Christmas carol White Christmas and put my liberal glasses on to see how I could extrapolate racism in yet another pothole.






I'm dreaming of a white Christmas (That’s racist right there, are you insinuating that you don’t want any African-Americans or other races during your holiday? Oh and Christmas, that’s not very inclusive to other beliefs!)

Just like the ones I used to know (Well that proved right there that not only were you a racist your whole life, but I’ll bet your ancestors owned slaves, any more royalties from this ghastly song should go for reparations)

Where the treetops glisten, (I hope you meant GLSEN but somehow I doubt it, this is probably a cloaked right wing homophobic statement.)

and children listen (Excuse me but you must hate children, you want to stifle their creativity, if you only want children to listen, then perhaps you should have aborted her and save her from your intolerance.)

To hear sleigh bells in the snow (This is xenophobic, you will offend Somali’s or people from other nations who don’t have snow, not to mention that sleigh bells will remind people of the Salvation Army who rings bells and tries to guilt people to give to their religious bigotry.)



 I'm dreaming of a white Christmas (Oh here we go again!)

With every Christmas card I write (Again with the religious intolerance! Not to mention this will offend someone who can’t write)

May your days be merry and bright (Now you are offending blind people, and people who are suffer from depression, you sick twisted right-winger!)

And may all your Christmases be white (Sigh! WWBMD {What Would Bill Maher Do?})


I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

With every Christmas card I write

May your days be merry and bright

And may all your Christmases be white



If you can’t beat ‘em join them. (Well maybe not!)


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