
Our latest interview with the White House Insider reveals a DemocraticParty civil war, with growing opposition to the Obama White House.

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  • I'm shocked that they are shocked !!!!! ...............His behavior going back to his "so-called" college days has not been normal ----- aside from his behavior showing narcissistic 'tendencies' , he has been on drugs and, in my opinion, is showing signs of use since entering the White House..........His behavior is not normal and all we can assume is either his mind is deteriorating or he is back to using drugs again ..............In either case, something must be done, and soon !!!
    • I'm with you Peggy. Why is this shocking to anyone? We have been trying to warn people about this insane moron for over two years now. He has NEVER been entirely sane, what with his emotional problems, drug problems, narcissistic personality disorder, anger at America, white people, and whoever else he can conjure up to blame for his misery and warped little mind. He has never struck me as anything but a sad little guy with a crippled soul, a fuzzy brain and a need to do as little as possible to get by in life while sucking at the public trough.

      There has never been anything to indicate that he was NOT using drugs; he may be using them MORE now, but his behavior has always indicated heavy drug use of one sort or another, or many at once.
      • You'd be AMAZED at what you can "bury" under a nicotine addiction, when it's a way of self-medicating and it does qualify as such OFTEN! That's one drug we know he's using.But the narcissism to the degree Obama exhibits compounded by schizoid affect and other symptoms, particularly as they're apparently entirely UNTREATED except by self-prescribed "medications" such as nicotine, which is NOT treatment, are sufficient to produce symptoms associated with illegal or inappropriate legal drug use. Toss in the abject hatred and what you've got is akin to a full powder room with a lit fuse stuck in the middle of it. It's not a question of IF, but WHEN, it will explode! And when it does, it WILL be very messy.
  • I'am shocked that this man is still doing business.
  • Nothing new to anyone that has done their homework.
  • Good info, been subscribed to that link since the first leak a while back. I hope Newsflavor keeps going on this.
  • I've been watching and studying since 2008. I'm amazed that this has taken so long. Can't wait ti' after the election.
  • The lunatics in the Demorat Party are shocked, SHOCKED to discover there's LUNACY going on in the White House!

    Isn't that funny....
  • Nothing in this interview surprises me at all.
    Jo Dermody
  • Anyone surprised at this idiots behavior has as warped brain as he (Obama) has. After the election we need to press on members of congress to out this scum bag under arrest for treason , In that supposedly congress is the only ones who have the power to do so, as any/all others he seems to have an immunity from. with Obama the head of the Muslim America group he can not have much of an allegiance to this country and deserves not to hold the office of POTUS, and for a long time I have contended he is holding it illegally according to the constitution, I have began to question if he is even a US citizen.
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