"just have to let you know this interview was produced in Iran and the guy being interviewed is associated with Lyndon LaRouche. Therefore- I don't quite buy the validity of this because
Lyndon LaRouche is a nutcase.I hope it is true, but.....
Denise Pullen Rodgers



A US analyst says some officials in the White House and the administration are considering legal action to remove Barack Obama from presidency. "Right now, there is discussion in Washington and within the government of using the 25th amendment to the US Constitution to remove Obama from office," Edward Spannaus from Executive Intelligence Review said in an interview with Press TV on Friday.

The amendment allows for removing the president if he/she has incapacity either physically or mentally.

"In this case, Obama is mentally incapable of fulfilling the office of president," Spannaus went on to say.

Referring to Obama's plummeting popularity, mostly due to the recent economic collapse in the US, Spannaus said, "There is no way that his presidency could be salvaged at this point and it does not really make any difference who wins the congressional elections."

"He was not qualified to be the president in the first place. He was put in there precisely because he would act as a puppet and they knew he would be a puppet for Wall Street, for the London financiers and for the British," Spannaus added.

A recent survey from Gallup has revealed that more than half of American voters would not support the incumbent US president's re-election.

A recent survey from Gallup has revealed that more than half of American voters would not support the re-election of President Barack Obama.


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  • Wishful thinking. I hope it is true.
  • Yep looks like a si fi 2 me. Get rid of all of them not just him.........
  • I'll believe it when I see it.
  • Only if his birth certificate can be produced. Being a narcissist is not illegal. And who would make the determination? You can get a team of doctor for each side of the argument.
    What we need is a congress that will over ride any of his policies and his vetoes. A congress that will legally reverse all of the 'laws' enacted since he was elected.
  • Don't be so sure this wouldn't/or isnt/ going to happen. A couple of things that are very interesting about this. We know the Clinton's are major Democrat party power, and live and die with polls. If Obama is seen to be eroding the power of the Democrat Party in a slide that would take decades to recover from, they will turn on him in a heart beat, and they will do it on his eligibility issue that they have known all along.
    The Democrat Party then would be seen as policing their own party, in order to save the Country, because Obama just went rogue on them. It would be considered the easiest way to recover from the economic sledgehammer the U.S. is suffering right now. Wall Street is propped up and barely standing on at 11,000 to make it as the economy is doing well, but it isn't translating to main street, thus the people are like "what the heck is going on", unemployment hasn't recovered, and businesses are frightened with Obama's policies of social transformation, so they are hanging on to capital rather then investing it.
    Obama is working his way into being the lowest common denominator, which will be removed.

    It is also a pretty well known fact the U.S. Media has been in Obama's pocket, so we wouldn't necessarily see a story like this coming from traditional media outlets at this time two weeks before midterms. They may just wait to see how big of a revolution takes place in Congressional elections. The damage could be unrecoverable, and provides a bigger incentive for something like this to be leaked out as a tester.

    It sure is interesting.
    Cody Judy
    Write-in U.S. Senate UT
    • i'll just sit and WAIT...this could have been done long time ago...and nothing happens, now we wait till the republicans get into office, RIGHT..........you just can't trust your own government? and that is a shame...justic will never happen.
    • I fear you are right!
      • I pray it is true - he is a socialist and is destroying our country.
    • i won't get my hopes up, but LETS ALL HELP HIM ALONG, DRIVE HIM CRAZY?
      that is my ''hope & chang.''
      • Susan, the driving should have stopped 23+ months ago. The man was crazy before he ever got to the Illinois Senate.
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