Who and what is a Militia?

The Militia


Who and what is a Militia?
The Militia is part of our US Constitution. Most people are familiar with the Second Amendment to our Constitution;
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”


That Second Amendment, being a part of our Constitution, means that it can not be deleted or removed without changing and altering the Constitution itself. No laws that the Government may pass through legislation or regulations can remove that Second Amendment or the rights of the people to keep and bear Arms. But that doesn’t mean they wont try.

The current Biden/Harris/Obama administration is working very hard to eliminate the rights of the people to own and possess weapons and firearms. This effort is not new, it’s been on their agenda for many years. But because of this latest anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment drive to ban all private ownership of weapons it now becomes necessary for the people to understand what a Militia really is, and what it means.


Under US Constitutional law there are essentially three types of Militia;
1) The States Militia; This is often described as being the States National Guard, the National Guard and the Coast Guard.

2) The “Well Regulated Militia”; These are most often described as being the National Guard, Coast Guard, and anyone who is of Military age and qualifications but who are not active members of any of those units.

3) And then the so-called UN-Organized Militia; These can be either State, County, or City level Militia organizations made up of individuals from within their own communities who may be called into duty by the States or the County Sheriffs departments for the purpose of protecting their own Counties or cities and communities.

Each State has their own set of laws and definitions regarding how a Militia can be formed and who may belong to these units. They also have laws regulating the authority of any of the Militia units within their States.

Anyone trying to familiarize themselves with these laws can easily do so by searching for them on the Internet.


10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes (a)

“The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.”

Note the absence of the third type of Militia;




Related to Militia: 2nd Amendment



A group of private citizens who train for military duty in order to be ready to defend their state or country in times of emergency. A militia is distinct from regular military forces, which are units of professional soldiers maintained both in war and peace by the federal government.

In the United States, as of the early 2000s, the National Guard serves as the nation's militia. Made up of volunteers, the National Guard acts under the dual authority of both the federal and state governments. According to the Constitution, Congress can call the National Guard into federal service for three purposes: to enforce federal laws, to suppress insurrections, and to defend against invasions. State governors can call upon the National Guard for emergencies that are prescribed by state law.



The militia of the United States, as defined by the U.S. Congress, has changed over time.[1] During colonial America, all able-bodied men of a certain age range were members of the militia, depending on the respective state's rule.[2] Individual towns formed local independent militias for their own defense.[3] The year before the US Constitution was ratified, The Federalist Papers detailed the founders' paramount vision of the militia in 1787.[4][5] The new Constitution empowered Congress to "organize, arm, and discipline" this national military force, leaving significant control in the hands of each state government.[6][7]

Today, as defined by the Militia Act of 1903, the term "militia" is used to describe two classes within the United States:[8]

Organized militia – consisting of State Defense Forces, the National Guard and Naval Militia.[9][10]

Unorganized militia – comprising the reserve militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, not a member of the State Defense Forces, National Guard, or Naval Militia.[11]

Congress has organized the National Guard under its power to "raise and support armies" and not its power to "Provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia".[12] This Congress chose to do in the interests of organizing reserve military units which were not limited in deployment by the strictures of its power over the constitutional militia, which can be called forth only "to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions."

Private militias & the modern citizen-militia movement

Main articles: Private military company and American militia movement

Laws authorizing the state governments to officially make privately-organized militias part of the state's official military force vary; Nevada, for example, allows the governor to "issue licenses to bodies of persons to organize, drill and bear arms as volunteer military companies or volunteer military organizations,"[66] whereas South Carolina prohibits any group from being enlisted into its state guard.[67] States with military histories that date back to the American revolution may officially recognize militias from that era that continue to exist and operate independently; Massachusetts law explicitly makes the National Lancers part of its organized militia and protects the right of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts to exist and operate as a private organization,[68][69] while Rhode Island recognizes a number of independent chartered militias as a separate part of its overall military force.[70][71] During World War II, Hawaii authorized several private paramilitary militias to operate, including the Businessmen's Military Training Corps and the Hawaii Air Depot Volunteer Corps.[72]

Since approximately 1992, there have been a number of state- and regional-level private organizations in the United States that call themselves militia or unorganized militia, some of which have been tied to domestic terrorism and extremist views, which operate without any official sanctioning or licensing by their state governments.[73] The 2000's and 2010's also saw the formation of several national-level private militia organizations, the largest of which being the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters.[74][75]


SO – Now after I’ve said and posted all that, - WHO and WHAT IS a Constitutional Militia?
The National Guard, Coast Guard, or Naval Forces are NOT a true Citizen’s Militia. These official units all have their own sets of rules and mandates.

But WHO IS a Citizen’s Militia?
At the basics root level a Citizen’s Militia consists of anyone who can stand and hold a rifle, and anyone who can participate in nearly any useful capacity to help defend their communities, neighborhoods, and their States.
That’s it, and that includes just about everyone. If you can stand and hold a rifle, fill a magazine, cook a meal, or clean up a camp site, then you are part of a citizen’s Militia.

What IS a Militia?
It is anyone willing and capable of participating. The purpose of which is to protect and defend their own States and Communities.

Up until about 45-50 years ago when a Militia leader called a meeting or a field training exercise about half of all the local and County police departments would show up. Not because they expected trouble, but because they were all part of these Militia groups. And more than half of the Militia group was on those police and sheriff’s departments.

However over the past 50 or so years the Federal Government and the main-stream media have spend a great deal of time and effort to demonize and discredit the Militia.
Some loose knit organizations like the Skin-Heads and white-supremacists in Oregon and Washington States, as well as other neo-nazi organizations, and events like the Oklahoma city bombing by Timothy McVeigh, all lead right into the hands of those who would like to abolish all Militia groups and to eliminate that Second amendment. It’s important here to note that Timothy McVeigh was NOT a part of any Militia organization. He was expelled prior to his attack on the Oklahoma City building that killed so many innocent women and children. He was expelled because they considered him as being too radical and a trouble maker.

So – WHO are the Militia? And what do they stand for?
The answer to that is pretty straight forward and easy. Anyone who wants to stand and defend their own communities. Either in times of natural emergencies and disasters like tornadoes or floods, or in times of assaults and attacks by foreign enemy or Federal Government gone out of control.

It is also just as important to note who and what these citizen’s Militia groups are NOT.
They are NOT white-supremacists. They are NOT racists organizations such as the ANTIFA and the Black-Lives-Matter groups. They are NOT Anti-Government. They are NOT anti-capitalists, and they are NOT Marxist/Communists or Neo-Nazi.

Simply put a Citizen’s Militia group is anyone willing and capable of standing up to help and defend their own communities. And to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against ALL enemies foreign or Domestic.


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  • Excellent post, Oldrooster. ESPECIALLY about the efforts to demonize the Militia. Here is my conclusion over the last few months, since I started seriously thinking about this.

    A). The distiction between "political activism" and "citizen activity".
    Advocating, supporting the Bill of Rights and partaking in any relevant activities is NOT "political activism", it is everyday ordinary activity a citizen may do. I do not have the laungage skills and I am not a subject expert, and its not something I could do here and now anyways. My only self-appointed purpose here is to point out, fully reasoning and then widely publishing a brief but well stuctured statement about this fact is vital. In the reasoning do publish the fact about the factual "political activist" - those who are the change agents, those who are irrational in their demands.

    B). Collecting historical evidence of misuse and abuse of the Bill of Rights.
    Again, my personal limitations preventing me to partake in this work, I am not a subject expert, I do not have the relevant life exerience and training. This is not part of my purpose in life, I am a civilian and my purpose in life is in manufacturing.
    As you pointed out in so many details - State law differ regarding this issue, and if the past cannot be documented - start documenting the present. If the Biden administration further damages the Bill of Rights, even a partial but credible documentation could help restore it. Use the point I made in A). to rally support, organize the resources necessary for B).

    What do you think so far? I am not going down this road any farther unless it is undertsood what I am trying to describe here. I am trying to find something practical and rational to start pushing back. Something which is not only accepted by the current #2A supporters, but makes the citizen wonder if #2A is truly under attack, and if the narrative they have been listening is truly an attack on our entire Constitutional State.

    We all know the facts, that the insurectionists are in the Government, they are in the White House, in Congress, and in the State Departments. But knowing the facts is not enough, we must show them with crystal clarity.

  • Documenting abuse of our Constitutional rights. Here's a current story published in the Canadian Free Press.

    Biden Administration Wants to Eradicate Religious Freedom

    “The Biden administration is aggressively pushing forward on legislation such as the ‘Equality Act’ which specifically strips away religious freedom protections"

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—Even though many Americans believe their God-given religious freedom is very important, the Biden administration is quickly trying to eradicate it in this nation.

    Created on September 17, 1787, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution begins, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …” Now 234 years later, religious freedom hangs in the balance in American culture.

    Religious freedom is more than the “freedom to worship” at a synagogue, church, or mosque. It means government cannot force people to go against their core values and beliefs. Religious freedom protects people’s right to live, speak, and act according to their beliefs peacefully and publicly.
    Here is a link to the Biden Administrations bill HR5 on Govtrack.



    Equality Act (H.R. 5)
    To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.
    • So, am I going down on the corrent trail - is documenting abuse of our constitutional rights is leading us where we should be heading?

      Because the next step is putting this in context, and someone has to write it. It goes something like this:


      New administrations, when they make a change, are exptected to exlain why they make it and where that leaves us, citizen. Lets take the Biden Admiistration's effort to erradicate religious freedoms.

      The fact that they are tyring to eradicate is already proven. Do not ask for arguments, evidence. Do not try to make it look like I am mistaken. Do not try to convince otherwise.

      You know the only thing that would be convincing enough? NOTHING. You read that right. Inaction, thats what. Leave it alone, leave it the way you stumbled upon it.

      Anything else is eradication. The only rerason for the Government to touch this and other issues is to eradicate the freedoms that come with it.

      You want to convince me otherwise?

      Leave it alone then.



      Not too little, not too much - but it must argue from the stance of absolute authority and authenticity. Kill them cold.

  • Facts are Facts - they speek for themselves. Facts have no agenda and no mandate.
    Some people can dispute the truth, and some have their own oppinion of what the truth really is. But the Facts stand alone, and no one is entitled to their own set of Facts.


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