If memory serves me correctly, the WHO works out of the UN.  That being said, I am very leery of trusting them on the following subject.  Seems like we not only need a constitutional conservative government, but we also need to get the hell out of the UN.


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  • No matter the methodology of inducement into the human body (including in-gestation) The product being consumed will find its way into every cell of the body and will have an immediate damaging effect in that cell eventually killing that cell by replacing the oxygen the cell requires for its function with a toxin and with the end result still be diseases leading to death. If God wanted humans to smoke the human body would have included chimneys.

    • David, nicotine in and of itself, with the diluted forms used in ecigs, has no more harm to us than a cup of coffee.  Why?  It is because it has not had the chemicals added to it that regular cigarettes have.  Nicotine, in the diluted form, is nothing more than a stimulant.  Problem is that when companies go to make cigarettes, they add a whole truckload of other chemicals that are deliterious to the human body and when you add the heat of combustion, it forms a whole other truckload of chemicals that are deleterious to the human body.  

      When you use ecigarette liquid, our atomizers do not even come close to the temperatures that keep a cigarette burning.  Add that to the fact that everything used is food grade....and most everybody can understand what is in the liquid.  Can't say that with cigarettes.

      With all of that said, I will say that if you do use these and stilll have small kiddos at home....keep the liquid out of reach and use locking caps on them.  It's a PITA, but will keep the kiddos safe from accidentally injesting the liquid.

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