All you people out there that are voting Democrat and Socialist, ask yourselves ONE simple question:
WHY: Why the caravan? Why are these people trying to leave their home countries?
WHY: Why are they trying to come here to America instead of staying where they were?
WHY: Why don't we ever hear these people talking about the leaders in their own countries?
WHY: Why instead of leaving their homes do these people NOT stand and fight for their freedoms where they are now?
There are 10,'s of thousands of them fleeing their homes and their home countries, Are they not able to stay there and VOTE their leaders OUT ?
WHY: Why can they NOT VOTE those leaders OUT?
WHY: Why if Socialism and Communism is so great WHY are these people trying to escape it?
WHY: Why are YOUR Democrat leaders afraid to answer those simple questions honestly?
WHY: Why haven't YOU asked YOUR Socialist Communist leaders these questions yet”
WHY: And why: WHY are you so freaking stupid that you want to vote for it here in America?
Why the caravans? Why are all these ten's of Thousands of people fleeing their home countries? Are they coming here to America to get free health care? I thought under Communism all their health care was supposed to be free. They try to tell us that Cuba has the best health care of any country around, and it's all free. So why do the Cuban people try to escape even to the point of risking their lives to leave in small makeshift boats and rafts to cross the straights of Cuba to Florida? A 90 mile stretch of open Atlantic ocean. If the health care in Cuba is so great why are these people trying to escape?
The same question goes for Venezuela and Guatemala and Honduras. The truth is their health care sucks, even if it is “Free” what good is “Free” health-care if it's non-existent and really sucks? When Doctors and nurses don't get paid they don't give a damn about how patents are treated or even if they survive at all.
WHY: Why don't we ever hear these people talking about the leaders in their own countries? We never hear these people criticizing the leaders of these Communist countries.
Answer: They are NOT allowed to speak out against their “Leaders”. If and when they do – They are either incarcerated or shot. No “trials”, just the accusation is enough and then your shot. Guilty by accusation – Guilty until “Proven” innocent, Sound familiar? Sound like the Kavanaugh hearings? And being judged by and through the media?
WHY: Why instead of leaving their homes do these people NOT stand and fight for their freedoms where they are now?
Answer: Even though they number in the ten's of Thousands they still can NOT fight back because the government has confiscated all weapons held by civilians. Only the army and federal governments are allowed to own weapons. The people can NOT defend themselves against Government tyranny and enforcement.
WHY: Why can they NOT VOTE those leaders OUT?
Answers: In Iraq the people under Saddam Hussein were all handed election ballads with only one name for President - Saddam Hussein, and those ballads were already marked with an X next to his name. The same thing happens in North Korea and in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and China. (IF they even get a chance to vote in any elections in the first place).
WHY: Why if Socialism and Communism is so great WHY are these people trying to escape it?
Answers: Are they coming here for work and jobs like we are told? We are told that under socialism everyone can work. And that the weekly and annual income is all shared equally. Everyone gets an equal share. That's probably actually pretty close to true, but an equal share of nothing is still nothing.
An equal share of one loaf of bread is not the whole loaf, it's only one slice of it. And if everyone gets the same portions then why bother to work to make more of it? Just sit back and hope that someone else does the work, then you can take your “Share” of what they produce. Just sit back and tell someone else “Hey – Bring me a beer”, “Hey Mom – Make me a sammich”,, “And by the way – where's MY money ???,,,,, Come on cupcake – try to tell me you wouldn't do it too.
WHY: Why haven't YOU asked YOUR Socialist Communist leaders these questions yet”
WHY: And why: WHY are you so freaking stupid that you want to vote for it here in America?
Those last two questions are up to YOU to ask and to answer.
WHY: Why haven't YOU tried to even ask questions like these?
Did the American people settle for anything less?....HELL NO.....Did the American people Flee to another country?.....HELL NO........We fought.....We persevered.....We WON