As much as it may PAIN you, it is VERY important that you TAKE A VALIUM, and then visit and explore the following site.WWW.HEALTHCAREFORAMERICA.ORGVisit the links to other sites you find that are affiliated. Take a GOOD LONG LOOK at the endorsers and donors. You will have to Google some of the endorsers, as their websites are, naturally, closed to the public. Visit, also. It's funny, the site indicates it is paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee and its communication is NOT authorized by any candidate or campaign. Belly Laughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!At the moment, my only idea to counteract this is to send this to media outlets, and put advertisers on notice that you will no longer be patronizing their businesses as long as the local media outlets continue to ignore these bullies, especially the BIG one, Obama! Of course, your media outlets are unionized by the Communications Workers of America (CWA). Hmmm.....could it be THAT's why you never hear/see what's REALLY going on?I encourage you to also Google "health care sites" an variations. You'll find more info I'm sure.I REFUSE TO BE BULLIED INTO RELINQUISHING MY FREEDOMS!

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