
I wanted to take the time to cover some basic less-than-lethal options. Because let’s face it, no girl wants to get their Rick Owens boots or Jimmy Choo’s shoes all messy with shooting somebody for real. Right? Chances are you don’t have the time to train properly with a firearm anyway.  And for practical reasons, range time and great instruction are both hard to come by. CAUTION: Beware of your local Rex-Kwon-Doversion of a firearms instructor. You’d be surprised at how many self-proclaimed experts there are in the world, well maybe not, you ladies on here are pretty sharp.

So here are my favorite less than lethal options:


1. Surefire or Princeton Tech 500 lumen flashlight. This is a great option because it flash blinds any would-be stalker and if needed the light can be used to pummel the face (it will break a nose very easily, a good option fyi). AND you can take this anywhere, including on your next flight. This is why I rank it number 1 of 3.





2.  Next up is Jet powered “canned heat” AKA pepper spray. Here’s a link to my favorite. You can sometimes slip this past security (I did last month at San Diego International on United) but the down side is that it’s tough to pack this bad boy around with you. It makes an excellent addition to your key chain, is not expensive, and the jet spray helps mitigate the back blast that could be encountered with down wind deployment. FYI-you don’t want to shoot this into the wind when it’s blowing more than 5mph or you’re toast!


3. Taser

The Taser is a great home defense option and it relatively easy to use. CAUTION: You still need to use this thing in practice and get some training before having to use it in an emergency. Too often people overlook this very simple and obvious issue.  Just having it doesn’t make you good using it.

Enjoy and please ask me and the guys questions about any self-defense related issues.  We love passing our Spec Ops knowledge your way and I especially enjoy putting creeps out of business.



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  • Thanks for the information.

  • Thanks for the info!  I always pack but having a legal & leathal weapon I can carry on the plane or at all times is great to know!  I'm going to replace my tiny purse flashlight with this one! 

  • We (you) must remember there are always pros and cons to this. A short story about a woman in one of my CHL classes. She carried a tazer in her purse, or used to. If need be would you reach for the tazer first or your gun? Of course her first response was the tazer. The thought was to go for the less-than-lethal alternative first. Sounds like the right thing to do, right. Deadly force should always be your last resort. Here's the caveat - what if the criminal re-leaves you of your purse or you drop it or just can't get to it because of this reason or that reason? Now what? Needless to say she took the tazer out of her purse. If she's going to reach for something that will save her life it will be her gun. This does bring up a long discussion but here it is short and sweet. It's your life. You need to think about it.

    Now if you are not a CHL holder well you go for the only thing that can help / hope save your life............whatever it may be. Stay safe.

    •   Over the years I've seen all kinds of devices and  tricks recommended by  " experts"

       When your life or your familys lives are in mortal danger there is but one sure thing , and that

      is a firearm in the hands of a person trained and proficient in the use of that firearm . Just forget all

      the B S , like " throw your shoe through a window " or blow a whistle . Just remember , you are no

      match for a thug and you are on your own !! I have actually seen the afore mentioned methods on

      national TV . It seems that every day we see yet another beautiful young lady missing and then dead !

                  Just remember " nobody ever raped a 38 "


  • I would never want my wife to carry any of these.  As someone else pointed out, what if your assailant relieves you of this "deterrent"?  I have heard of too many instances where these things didn't work.  A 9mm hollow point is a far better option.  And, if the first one doesn't stop him it will slow him down enough for you to get a second shot.  If you can handle it a much better option would be a 45 hollow point.

  • If you're at home and someone breaks in there's always good old Raid Wasp Spray.  Get the kind that shoots 20 ft and spray the sucker right in the face.  If you practice a little its even better.  Believe me, getting hit anywhere near the eyes, nose or mouth with this stuff will knock them for a loop.  Then you can use the ever popular baseball bat.


    It's not as effective as the 38, but some people are squeamish.


    PS.  I don't like a CHL.  I don't want people to know what I have and there is a list.  It shows up every time you're stopped for a license and warrant check.

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