
Latest on the Continental Congress 2009 can be found at these links.Have you all read Mr. Schulz's terrific letter to Ron Paul?http://www.cc2009.us/about-cc2009/news-updates/73-letter-to-ron-paulPlease watch videos or read updates as you like athttp://www.cc2009.us/about-cc2009/news-updateshttp://givemeliberty.orghttp://www.WeThePeopleForum.ning.comhttp://www.vimeo.com/wtpThe We The People Foundation have been petitioning our government officials in various ways for more than 10 years. The Continental Congress is supported by a large coalition of liberty groups. It will not attempt to change our Constitution in any way, but defend it, and preserve it, and the congress will come out with a short to-do-immediately list for all of us which will help us hold government officials accountable to our Constitution. So many violations committed by our elected officials against our Constitution have gone unanswered. This is to defend, not amend, the U.S. and the 50 states' Constitutions.This video is Bob Schulz explaining the need for the Continental Congress and the steps that have led to this point.part 1:http://wethepeopleforum.ning.com/video/wtp-cc-2009-jan-11-09-meetingpart 2: http://wethepeopleforum.ning.com/video/wtp-cc-2009-jan-11-09-meeting-1part 3: http://wethepeopleforum.ning.com/video/wtp-cc-2009-jan-11-09-meeting-2part 4: http://wethepeopleforum.ning.com/video/wtp-cc-2009-jan-11-09-meeting-3part 5: http://wethepeopleforum.ning.com/video/wtp-cc-2009-jan-11-09-meeting-4part 6: http://wethepeopleforum.ning.com/video/wtp-cc-2009-jan-11-09-meeting-5The text of the Freedom 21 conference speech of Bob Schulz can be found athttp://www.cc2009.us/about-cc2009/news-updates/51-freedom21-address

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  • Why Continental Congress 2009?

    The purpose of CC 2009 is to add a period to the end of the "Liberty Sentence" -- in other words, government accountability for violations of individual, unalienable Rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

    The Right to Liberty and Freedom from unrestrained acts of Government has been evolving over a long period of time. Key historic milestones have been the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence and America's State and Federal Constitutions.

    However, there is one remaining milestone to be achieved before individuals can say, "We are Free": the ability of the individual to hold government officials accountable when they violate any of the remaining provisions of the Constitution.

    No matter the number of enumerated and un-enumerated individual Rights guaranteed by the Constitution, they are meaningless unless, when violated, the individual is able to hold their government officials accountable. It's well settled in American Jurisprudence that "any Right that is not enforceable is not a Right."

    It is self-evident that individual Rights are eviscerated in the absence of recognition of the individual's unalienable Right of accountability (enforcement). For that reason, constitutional scholars refer to the Right to hold the government accountable as the "Capstone Right" -- the Right that caps all the others.

    While a self-evident Truth, the Founders included a written guarantee of the Right of accountability in the First Amendment, as an absolutely necessary and critical part of the overall balance of power between the People and Government officials.

    However, the Right of accountability has been all but forgotten by the People. Until relatively recently, there has been little cause for them to claim and exercise the Right.

    These are tough times; a struggle of historic proportions is underway between those who do not believe that the rights of the majority are tempered by the minority and the individual under the rule of law and those that do.

    Before Americans can truly say, "The God who has given us Life has given us Liberty" - that is, before the evolution of Liberty can be said to be complete, one elusive milestone needs to be achieved: a clear and resounding demonstration of the individual's Right to hold government officials accountable to the rest of the Constitution. The result would be an enormous shift of power from the Government back to the People where the ultimate power was meant to reside in the first place.

    The mettle of the Constitution is, indeed, tested in tough times. Enter Continental Congress 2009.

    If Continental Congress 2009 can realize its purpose, the American people will have, for the first time, an opportunity to experience the Fullness of the Gifts intended for each of us, realizable only by obedience to our Founding Documents. Our people do not know what they are missing! If the outcome of Continental Congress 2009 is realized -- a Nation that Beholds and Embraces Its Constitution -- what advantages would show themselves in our daily lives.


    No more undeclared wars that undermine the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more gifting of public money and credit to private corporations for decidedly private purposes, which undermines the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more debt-based, fiat currency that undermines the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more direct, un-apportioned taxes on labor that undermine the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more War on Terror with its developing Police State, which undermine the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more unenforced immigration laws that undermine the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more counting votes in secret, a practice that undermines the economy, the family and the Constitution.

    No more attempts to disarm Americans.

    No more attempts to create a North American Union.


    Government restraint, individual Rights and governance by the people as a Republic under the rule of law.

    Individual Prosperity and quality of life rather than booms and bust

    Respect rather than hatred abroad

    Creditor rather than Debtor status

    Rule of law rather than Rule of man or Whim

    Pride rather than apathy

    Happiness rather than fear

    A servant government rather than privileged autocrats controlling and enslaving the rest of us.
  • CC2009 Operating Budget Revised to $650K

    Dates & National Ad Budget Reduced

    Includes $250,000 already expended
    Includes $155,000 for Bare Bones Event
    Another $245,000 Ensures First-Class, Live Webcast, Newsroom and Targeted Marketing

    Americans who love their country and who have been aware of the grassroots call for a Continental Congress have elected Delegates to Continental Congress from nearly every State in the Union. Robust debate and inspiring advice has ensued at a frenzied pace amidst the Delegates. The Vision for CC2009 is being shaped by passionate patriots from Maine to Hawaii.

    Budgeting, financing and contractual matters are now pre-occupying the management staff. Wealthy and not-so-wealthy are coming forward but we remain well short of initial fundraising objectives. Adjustments are underway. The over-all revised maximum budget for CC 2009 has been lowered from $2M to $650,000, which includes approximately $250,000 already expended.

    The new $650,000 budget assumes both cost cutting and additional fund raising in the amount of $400,000. The $400,000 includes $155,000 for a “bare bones” program.

    Cost Cutting

    Thanks to the overwhelming support and flexibility of the Pheasant Run staff and ownership, Continental Congress can convene November 11 through November 22, a reduction of three days and associated expenses, but without a “reduction fee.” Our contract with Pheasant Run, to lodge and feed at least 150 individuals for twelve days and eleven nights, amounts to $221,805. We have made down payments totaling $98,400. With what we have in the bank (including a single $56,400 contribution received last week) and steps being taken for single/double/ triple occupancy reservations by delegates and non-delegates, we expect to meet CC2009's minimal contractual requirements.

    To continue reading this article, please click here
  • Check this link often for updates as they are posted

    Articles of Freedom
    Articles of Freedom of Continental Congress 2009
    November 21, 2009

    In defense of a free people, the time has come to reassert our God-given natural rights and cast off tyranny.

    Let the facts reveal - the Federal Government of the United States of America, which was instituted to protect the rights of individual citizens, instead - threatens our life, liberty and property through usurpations of the Constitution; and emboldened by our own lack of responsibility and due diligence in these matters, has exceeded its mandate, and abandoned those founding principles which have made our nation exceptional;

    Our servant government has undertaken these unconstitutional actions in direct violation of their enumerated duties, to the detriment of the People's liberty and the sovereignty of our Republic;

    Over many years and spanning multiple political administrations, the People who have, in good conscience, attempted to deliberate our grievances and voice our dissent against these offensive actions through both petition and assembly, have been maligned and ignored with contempt;

    The people of the several States of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming, justly alarmed at these arbitrary and unconstitutional actions, have elected, constituted and appointed delegates to meet, and sit in general Congress in the city of St. Charles, Illinois.

    Whereupon these delegates, as duly elected representatives of the several States, have gathered in defense of divine justice, liberty and the principles of limited government, and we stand in clear recognition of the supreme law of the land - the Constitution of the United States of America.

    Therefore, We demand that Government immediately re-establish Constitutional rule of law, lest the People be forced to do so themselves; and we hereby serve notice that in the defense of Freedom and Liberty there shall be NO COMPROMISE to which we shall ever yield.

    * Civic Action
    Delegates to Continental Congress 2009 and others from each of the several States shall serve this document titled, "Articles of Freedom," with its Remedial Instructions, on each United States Senator and Representative in their offices located in their respective States, placing them on notice that We the free People of America believe them to be in violation of their Oath of Office and the Constitution for the United States of America.

    When a goodly number of millions of American people agree, we will therefore withdraw our financial support from the federal government, in a lawful and constitutional manner, and implement other responsible civic actions until all violations of the Constitution for the United States of America CEASE.
    * Pledge
    This is my Pledge:

    Through the Creator as our witness, we hereby pledge our signatures to this end, in order to hold our elected and appointed officials accountable for all of their violations, with a reminder to our public officials that they have sworn an Oath (or Affirmation), to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution for the United States of America.

    We the undersigned renounce and condemn INITIATION of force and will pursue all lawful and Constitutional means to fulfill our duty.

    I place my name as an Eternal Record of the Will Of The People to be Free.
    * Signatory Pages
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    * Title 1: Sovereignty
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Affirmation of Sovereignty
    A Proposed Instruction Regarding a Declaration of Sovereignty
    Instructions to the U.S. Congress and each of the several States
    * Title 2: Contsitutional Governance
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    The Committee for Constitutional Governance
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    * Title 3: Privacy Clause Violations
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    Civic Actions
    * Title 4: Property Rights Violations
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Report of the Subcommittee on Property Rights
    Constitutional Provisions
    Energy Independence
    The Wildlands Project - Conservation of biological Diversity
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    Civic Actions
    * Title 5: Public Debt
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Report of the Subcommittee on Public Debt
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    Civic Actions
    * Title 6: Foreign Policy & General Welfare
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Report from the Committee on Foreign Policy and the General Welfare
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    Civic Actions
    * Title 7: Juries
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Recommendation from Continental Congress 2009 to the Sovereign American People, the Several States and the Congress of the United States Pertaining to Jury Trials
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    * Title 8: A Presentment of Eligibility
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    * Title 9: Article II Eligibilty Violations
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Resolution of the Continental Congress 2009 - Article II Eligiblity
    Instructions to Congress
    Instructions to the States
    Civic Actions
    * Title 10: Right to Petition for Redress
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Revised Right to Petition for Redress
    Instruction #1 to Congress
    Instruction #2 to Congress
    Instruction #3 to the Supreme Court
    Instruction #4 to the President
    Instructions to the States
    Recommended Civic Action to be taken by the People
    * Title 11: Faithfully Execute Clause Violations
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Faithfully Execute Clause Facts
    Remedial Instructions to the President
    Remedial Instructions to the Congress
    Remedial Instructions to the States Regarding Immigration Laws
    Recommended Civic Actions to be Taken by the People
    * Title 12: 2nd Amendment Violations
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    2nd Amendment Instruction to the Congress of the United States
    2nd Amendment Instructions to the several States
    2nd Amendment Call to Civic Actions
    * Title 13: Tax Clause Vioations
    (To Be Posted Soon)
    Instruction tot he United States Congress Concerning the Income Tax
    Instruction to the Several States
    Sixteenth Amendment Civic Action Report
  • We all agree that our nation's and our states' governments are so far from the principles where we began... and we all come back to the same question... what can we do about it?

    The results of the hard work put in by the delegates to the Continental Congress of 2009 has been published here:

    Yes, it is a long read, but amazing in the way it connects our questions to answers. Well worth the time. Please share with your friends and neighbors. When enough signatures are gathered, the articles will be presented to elected officials. Some groups in other states have already begun to present the articles as immediate instruction to their elected officials. I pray that you will join in this effort and act on the suggestions contained in the articles.

    You may sign the pledge on line by following the links from the Articles of Freedom page, or click on this image

    Thank you; God bless all of you who are working so hard to restore our Constitutional Republic.
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