Of Course, Biden's Treasury Secretary Has Connections to Hedge Fund Thrashed by Populist Trading
Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | January 28, 2021
"It’s caught the eye of Congress as well. This will be followed up at the federal level. A hedge fund that got walloped by the GameStop surge had ties to Janet Yellen, Biden’s treasury secretary. In fact, she was paid nearly $1 million in speaking fees as well. Something is going to happen."
"It all started when GameStop’s stock went through the roof. ‘WallStreetBets’ was the subreddit thread that started it all. The big wigs bet GameStock would drop. The people said the opposite, the stock price rose, and the billionaire’s club lost mountains of cash. Mets owner Steve Cohen’s hedge fund took a big-league haircut. Today, the Robinhood trading app limited buying abilities for its users who were participating in this financial ‘storming of the Bastille,’ but they weren’t the only ones gumming up the works."
"The wealthy and well-connected will protect themselves. Over the past few days, they’ve certainly done that on Wall Street. Since time began, hedge funds have worked and coordinated with one another on securities they’ve targeted.
These pump and dump operations have gone on and one for years, decades really. It’s nothing new. Yet, this form of market manipulation is now a problem. It’s an issue because normal people committed the awful crime of making money. They made money by using the same schemes as the big wigs. It was the ‘Reddit Rebellion.’ It was populism engulfing the market—and the elites hated it. There’s always a risk when playing the market. It’s another thing entirely when the spigot is turned off by the powers that be—and folks have their trading options limited." END QUOTE...
Shame on you, Who the hell do you think you are?
You're just a dumb little guy, You're not allowed to use our own systems to play in OUR games.
They hate all the "Little People" out here, we shouldn't be allowed to get rich or get into "THEIR" political or financial systems.
Another example of the "Good-ole-Boy" networks. No Conservarives or little people allowed.