"To promote the general welfare", what does that mean? Does it mean that our government is there to help us when we fall? Should they be there when we lose our first job so as to give us a pep talk, and of course some money is we need it? Please help me government because I am a pathetic excuse for a freeman. Please do for me what I will not do for myself. Is that what America has become, a nation of "give me" babies?Here is what James Madison, one of our Founders, who was involved in writing the Constitution, had to say about the welfare clause. "With respect to the two words 'general welfare,' I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators." --James Madison - James Madison and the future of limited government‎ - Page 194 by John Curtis SamplesMadison also wrote about the general welfare clause in a letter to Edmund Pendleton on January 21, 1792, he wrote: Having not yet succeeded in hitting on an opportunity, I send you a part of it in a newspaper, which broaches a new Constitutional doctrine of vast consequence, and demanding the serious attention of the public. I consider it myself as subverting the fundamental and characteristic principle of the Government; as contrary to the true and fair, as well as the received construction, and as bidding defiance to the sense in which the Constitution is known to have been proposed, advocated, and adopted. If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions. It is to be remarked that the phrase out of which this doctrine is elaborated is copied from the old Articles of Confederation, where it was always understood as nothing more than a general caption to the specified powers, and it is a fact that it was preferred in the new instrument for that very reason, as less liable than any other to miss construction."- To provide for the general welfare: a history of the federal spending power.By Theodore Sky - Page 100So you see, technically speaking, this welfare stuff is a bunch of crap; it has no founding in our Constitution. That is why Obama finds it necessary to "fundamentally transform America"; he wants to change our Constitution. If left alone, he will turn this Republic into something that would be totally unrecognizable to our Founders, and even to us. He must be stopped, politically that is, before it is too late.jbranstetter04Here's one of the video's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqZMTY...

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    If we don't act fast Obama, Soros Inc. will turn our nation into Nazi Germany (Soros reportedly was a Nazi himself). Note that Obama ALREADY attempted to address the nation's schoolchildren. This is scary stuff. They are really doing this.

    I would recommend that PARENTS grab hold of a copy of this propaganda video by whatever means necessary and screen it with their children if possible at least once. (This would be the first step in teaching a child to recognize propaganda and reject it). The child (children) should be told up front that the film is being shown to control him/her and that he/she is not being told the truth by the film or the people that made it. The parent will then have to show the child (children) why as clearly as possible.

    After viewing the film the parent should take note of all the film's major points and discuss each one with the child (children). The validity or invalidity of each of the film's points should be critically discussed using vocabulary the child (children) can easily understand.

    The parent must ask his child (children) how this film makes him feel. The parent should then explain to the child WHY he is feeling these emotions or feelings as a result of what he has been shown in the propaganda film. It is important that the child understand that propaganda takes advantage of a person's feelings in order to control their thoughts. The parent should explan too that the people who made this propaganda movie are trying to control many people in order to change the society they live in. Once a child learns that he is being forced to feel a certain way by the film and that this is being done to control him the child should be on his way to being able to recognize propaganda with greater ease.

    If the film is telling the children things that are specifically false (often the case) the parent needs to explain WHY what the film shows the audience is false. If it is more ambiguous, the child needs to be told what exactly was true and what exactly wasn't true. And why the filmmakers were misrepresenting the truth (as to how explicit lies helped make the propaganda message more believable, etc).

    The parent should explain to the child specifically WHY the film makers are trying to control the people who are seeing the move and society in general. All of the film's propaganda messages should be discussed with as much clarity as possible.

    In this film's case we have people (namely Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro and George Soros) who are both addicted to power and criminally insane. Both have derived personal satisfaction from destroying nations (which both have done many times over the years--Obama destroyed Kenya's democratic government in 2006 and in the 1990s Soros devastated East Asian economies).

    Ideally, the parent(s) should view other propaganda films with their child (children) to see how they are coming along at recognizing and resisisting propaganda. There are some Third Reich propaganda films on You Tube of all things and viewing these could possible help since our children need to be immunized from propaganda and it can definitely be done. The more propaganda films our children see and learn to analyze critically the less likely they are to become victimized by it.

    I apologize if this was a corny post but I just felt that parents can stop this nonsense by confronting it--and a lot of parents won't be doing that(and Obama and his crafty partners in crime know this too). We have to stop these crooks so I hope that someone will find the above helpful (It's the thought that counts, no?).
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