This is a bit long, this guy is long winded but he has a lot to say.
If you have any computer drive space Download this video, ASAP.
SAVE this to a DVD if you can.
Is Julian Assange dead or alive - we don't know. But this video has a lot more in it than just that question.
You absolutely should watch this. If anything in this video is accurate and true then everything we have been warning about is about to come down on all of us.
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Alex Jones confirms:
10 Reasons Julian Assange is dead or compromised? #ProofOfLife #WhereisAssange
The director of WIKILEAKS, has been found DEAD (MacFayden)
BREAKING Julian Assange Dead Deadman's key tool is activated now
They can discredit it as more "false news), this whole thing is really demonic and the one guy who said it is this type of perversion which brought on the Great Flood is ABSOLUTLY correct. I agree with these guys in praying that God exposes the darkness. " What's done in secret I will bring into the light". This is a spiritual battle and along with exposing these perversions we cannot win the battle without prayer. We are truly dealing with principalities and powers and wickedness in high places. They are also correct I think in waiting until Trump is President before sharing with him their research. Pray as if your life depended on it, because I truly believe that it does.
If you follow those videos and the ones in the right side bar, you will see several videos that claim he is alive.
But none of them have any current 'Proof of Life" images along with a daily news paper with a date showing to prove it's current.
I think he's dead. And I will continue to believe that until I see proof of life
A week before he disappeared Obama said Julian Assange was a terrorist and he (Obama) issued a 'wanted - dead or alive' statement. According to reports the Internet connection to the embassy was cut off on Oct 16th. At that same time (again according to reports) SOS John Kerry made a surprise visit to London. Also at about the same time a woman prosecutor from Sweden paid a visit to Julian at the embassy. Some of those same reports say that the power grid for that whole section of London was mysteriously shut down, and also that London's Heathrow Airport was closed for half an hour with no explanations. A private US registered jet was the only departure.
Also eye witnesses claim a man matching his description was escorted out of the embassy with a black hood over his head.
YouTube videos claim Jullian Assange was taken by the US CIA, that claim fits the other reports better than any thing else we've seen.
And of course we haven't seen him since Oct 16th.
I think he's dead. And if that is the case then we have a lot more to look for IF Trump ever becomes President.
- - - Murder from the White House ??? In association and direct connection to the Clinton's and the Clinton Foundation ????
It's not over yet people,............ Far from it by the sounds of this.
Don't put anything past what these people are capable of doing. So far they've killed hundreds of people. Including Mumar Gaddafi, Husni Mubaric, Saddam Hussein, and they are trying to kill Assad. The list of dead people following the Clinton's and their foundation is over 120.
They are so close now to having their "One-World-Order" Getting rid of Jullian Assange is nothing to these people.
Michael Moore is running around running his big mouth off about how Trump is not the President yet, and who knows, strange and terrible things could happen. Trump will never be President.
Obama is now calling for a "full investigation" into the Russians hacking into the elections........
I hope I'm wrong, but these people are fully capable of ANYTHING.
And if exposing Pizzagate is successful they will say it's fake news and many people will believe them because they will not be able to rap their heads around the Truth.