The Rise & Resurgence Of The Black Conservative Patriot
The Rise & Resurgence Of The Black Conservative Patriot
By CS Bennett
The Rise & Resurgence Of The Black Conservative Patriot
By CS Bennett
Pay attention America
The same things that are happening in Canada are happening here in America.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has canceled Democracy.
Trudeau has branded the Canadian Truckers as all domestic Terrorists.
American presiden
Biden sending Kamala Harris to talk to Putin is a JOKE.
It's an insult to American integrity around
How the Government helps seniors
How the Government helps senior citizens:
A call for help and assistance can be fatal. Any calls for medical help will bring the EMT’s, the ambulance. And you will be taken to a hospital. Of course that can be a g
Read more…Getting away with high treason;
Don't expect anything to happen out of this. The Biden/Harris/Obama administration will never indict
Americans will always do the right thing — after exhausting all the alternatives.—Attributed to Winston Churchill
Is it possible tha
Read more…The war against American freedom, Liberty, and sovereignty.
The Biden/Harris/Obama/Marxist regime intends to take us all out one-at-a-time if necessary.
Is THIS really what the American people want? Is THIS really what the American people voted for?
WOW !!!
According to OANN News reports deaths among NON-Covid virus but fully vaccinated people is up 140%.
This type of informat
The Lindell Report.
Not necessarily live all day but some very good info, plus Lindell is starting his FrankSpeech Forums.
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Members of my family have taken ill with this Covid virus.
They (daughter and husband both are fully vaccinated).
So I sent out a message to a few of my firends.
Some of you are on this message list, Thanks you for your responces and information.
Here i
Your replacements have arrived.
In case anyone is mistaken that is what all this open-border immigration policy is all about.
Every leach needs a live host.
They wont kill the country itself, they couldn't do that if they wanted too. But they can - and
Here is a discussion that begs attention and deserves some serious thought.
This man is correct in his assessments and his concerns deserve consideration.
Please take the time to read his article and then return here if you wish to comment on this very
WAR - War against America, and all the free world.
And still most people still don't even know it.
In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama said "We are only five days away from fundamentally transforming America".
We all know at this point, (2022) that resident jo
Some Democrats are using the anni
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Dr. Robert Malone, a contributor to mRNA vaccine technology, told Newsmax on Thu
Read more…-Original Message--From: "Douglas Farrell"
I went in for a routine checkup with my cardiologist about two weeks ago. He said everyting was finem just wanted to run some regualr tests. So they setup an apointment for December 23rd.
We the morning of the 23rd I found myself on the phome to 911.
EXCERPT: "The Israeli "Real-Time News" reports: Breaking news: 500% increase in deaths - SCD/SUD of FIFA players in 2021
Not 24 athletes, not 30, nor 75 - Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died
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Communist leader Joseph Stalin said the same thing during the Bolchevic revolution in 1917.
" It doesn't matter how many people vote or who they vote for, it only matters who get to count the