Illegals voting in US elections; The Democrats want open border so they can get as many immigrants in the country as they need. Each immigrant that comes into the country is automatically given a voter registration card, (some states like California
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The following plan to organize a community safety plan was written and posted by someone named Talin on the Modern Militia Movement web forums. I believe every city and small town should consider organizing such as Community watch system. Things are go
Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because theflow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville , Florida , when he said America will not come
Is America Seeing Multiculturalism, by our own Government, Please do tell...:)
Boy & girl scouts are supposed to uphold American values. Scout branches in Michigan are trained to think of the U.S. as terrorists and are indoctrinated in Iranian and Hez
I've been trying for some time now to learn how to create and publish videos like everyone else seems to be doing. Sometimes it seem like the whole world is publishing videos on Youtube or some other video web site. The process would appear to be fairl
I'm seriously considering attending the rally in some point we need to put boots on the ground. This could be a catalyst that reverberrates across the nation. Friends have had attorney's arguing the case before the Michigan Supreme
Freedom, What is it? And how do Americans define it?
While Americans enjoy their freedoms and liberty precious few can even tell you what that actually is. We have enjoyed our freedoms in the country for so long that most people now simply take it f
NICHOLAS A. TRUTANICH United States Attorney ELIZABETH O. WHITE Appellate Chief and Assistant United States Attorney District of Nevada 400 South Virginia, Suite 900 Reno, Nevada 89501 (775) 784-5438 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCU
Under the laws of the Constitution if the President is impeached in the House of representatives and then removed by the Senate, the Speaker of the House becomes the new President. That means we now have a potential of seeing Nancy
How many guns are there in America? In 2015 the Washington Post estimated that number to be around 357 million. At the same time they also estimated the population in America to be about 317 million. That means there are more guns
The 4th of July we celebrate the founding of America. The United States of America was founded on the principals of individual freedoms and liberty, with limited Government, a Government with limited powers and
In America today, under our 240 year old Constitutional Republic, You have the freedoms and liberties to do pretty much anything you like. No You can’t go around stealing things and killing people yo
I am pleased to announce that it is my intention to nominate Judy Shelton, Ph. D., U.S. Executive Dir, European Bank of Reconstruction & Development. Judy is a Founding Member of the board of directors of Empower America and has serv