Something Scary
Im not an old guy but i remember the Vietnam war the Water Gate scandal and was unknowingly involved in the Iran Contra scandal that plagued the Reagan admin.Im not a man who scares easily but these things scare me.
Read more…Im not an old guy but i remember the Vietnam war the Water Gate scandal and was unknowingly involved in the Iran Contra scandal that plagued the Reagan admin.Im not a man who scares easily but these things scare me.
Read more…Dear Veterans and Patriots,
I want to make you aware that my mother, and Dad's wife of almost 54 years, passed from Dad's cradling arms to the Lord's eternal arms on May 18, 2017, at 0918 hours. We are missing her so much, yet celebrating her healin
Read more…Patriots,
The objective of this letter writing campaign is an effort to bring to the attention of this state's chief executive, an egregious wrong perpetrated against one of its citizens, and asking him to exercise his lawful duty to correct it, wh
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket
Looks like Trump is going to do what Clinton, Bush and Obama promised to due but did not follow through. The sticking point with all attempted peace accords between the Arabs (who call themselves Palestinians) has been Jerusalem. If it is declared th
Read more…Looks like Trump is going to do what Clinton, Bush and Obama promised to due but did not follow through. The sticking point with all attempted peace accords between the Arabs (who call themselves Palestinians) has been Jerusalem. If it is declared th
Read more…Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein,
RE: DOJ budget hearings. Sept 23rd, 2017.
Youtube video; Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein says only HE has power to fire special Prosecutor Mueller;
This was part of a hearing conduct
Read more…here is one guy's take on the "what to do" question.
As an Eagle Scout, the father of four Eagle Scouts, and a former scoutmaster of a troop that produced 59 Eagle Scouts I am well aware of the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared”. That is a motto that I now encourage all of my fellow American
Read more…I’m lucky enough to know General James Mattis slightly. Just well enough to
Guns have found their way to every single layer of society and have become the preferred method of resolving disputes and mere disagreements,” Kaine said. “We must put a stop to that and I’m happy to announce that Hillary Clinton has come up with the
Read more…Earlier today he had a private meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu where he promised the US would begin helping Israel again with military assistance,
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Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke lost his patience with CNN’s Don Lemon after the murder of three police officers in Baton Rouge, calling ‘Black Lives Matter’ a “hateful ideology” and demanding to know why the media has failed to focus on the epidemi
Read more…This is a Patriot site, right ? Let me tell you what is going on, the left as you call them, they are also ISIS supporters for open borders, have flagged several anti- ISIS videos at YouTube. A ISIS video has appeared, in our face, a direct insult t
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