Many are claiming that Alabama's law is racial profiling against Mexicans, yet I saw nothing in that legislation pertaining to Mexicans as a race. It's about ILLEGALS people! Alien invaders! And some of those interviewed said exactly what it's all about.

One mother, with children in school and husband working in Alabama, was afraid that the family would have to return to Mexico before they made the money they had planned on to return to their home in Mexico. Others work here only to send their money home to their families in other countries. Those illegals are doing nothing to help our economy, except to cause more drain on it.

And as far as American citizens not wanting to take those jobs, that's just bulls**t! I'm a German/English white male, natural born US citizen, experienced general manager in the automotive field, experienced in all phases of construction, as well as a successful Architect. My wife was a case worker for California State Dept of Handicapped and Mentally Challenged people. When we moved to Arizona in 1992, neither myself nor my wife could find work in our fields, so we both went to work nights cleaning bathrooms and offices for the Yavapai Road Department at minimum wage. It paid our bills, put food on the table, but little else. You do what you have to do to survive. Any American citizen that refuses work that they consider 'beneath' them deserves to be unemployed and should not be handed benefits of any kind.

According to the story posted on MSNBC, there are now openings in construction, roofing, plumbing, irrigation, landscaping, field workers, mechanics, maintainence, and many more! THOUSANDS OF THEM! Why? Because the illegals (so-called 'undocumented workers) are leaving Alabama in droves. End those jobs are available to American citizens! And classroom sizes are lower, MUCH lower! And emergency rooms are now getting back to their intended purposes. And fewer unlicensed and uninsured drivers on the roads. And employers can now breathe a little easier knowing that they won't be unknowingly targeted if an illegal has gotten a job with fraudulent identification.

What's it mean for foreign appearing immigrants and workers? Simple. Under US law, they are required to have on their person legal valid documentation. Common sense also dictates that foreign appearing US citizens have their driver license and Social Security card on their person, at all times. If stopped or questioned, a quick check of E-Verify will prove them to be legal. Nothing has changed in that respect.

And then, you might want to ask LEGAL immigrants that became citizens what they think of those coming here illegally. It will open your eyes!

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  • Well...boom times aren't here yet in Alabama but as illegal alien invaders do leave our state many of the jobs they've been doing will come open...Our legislature is doing a tremendous job of reining-in state government, of reducing cost and complexity of employment requirements, and redirecting the state's energies toward creating a jobs-friendly environment.

    We have one great challenge facing us -- the state board of education voted last spring to join the Obama (mis)-administration's "Race to the Top" program and adopt the Common Core Curriculum; which is very friendly toward the illegal alien invader crowd and amounts to nothing more than a raw power grab by Federal education department goons...We're working to force the board to 'reconsider' that decision; and now that the children of illegal alien invaders are less prevalent in our schools there is less incentive for the board to stay in the Federal program.

    One after another, Alabama and the people here are taking down the problems created for us by the Federal government.

    • Jim KNOWS what he is talking about and the right way to do things.
    • Great news, Jim!  Let's hope States like mine, California, wake up and follow Alabama's lead.  It would be a giant step forward if we could get the Feds out of the education business.  That one move would surely work to effectively cripple the progressive-liberal agenda they have been imposing on the Country for some time now.
      • Jesus Christ said He'd rather deal with a hot or cold person. Lukewarm is disgusting.


        BTW, This is NOT a criticism. This refers to your comment there will soon be no middle ground.

  • Stingray,  This is the best news I've heard today!  Thank you very much for posting it.

    You make very good points.  I recently got pulled over & had my car towed because I forgot to renew my

    registration which had just expired a few weeks earlier.  I had to pay the towing & storage fees to get my car back.

    I immediately paid the reg. renewal fee online & had to wait to get the sticker in the mail.  I was required to carry that printed receipt with me in the meantime.  Had I been pulled over again without that paperwork I would have been subjected to further consequences.  When anyone fails to comply with our laws they face consequences.  It is an injustice to not hold those that are here illegally accountable.

  • Alabama's unemployment rate will plummet to 5% in the coming months.
  • It is the word ILLEGAL which they do not understand . . You see in Mexico they just pay to do what ever they want and it gets winked at . . It is why Child molestors go to Mexico to molest children for money . . It is the mind set of the Illegal Alien Invaders just pay and do any thing . .
  • Chalk up 1 for us bible thumping, truck driving, gun carrying regular citizens of the Republic of the United States of America....!  Ooooohhh....Raaaaahhhh....!  Semper Fi......!
  • God bless Alabama! Now we can only hope that other states will follow their lead.
    • Amen Chisti!  My sentiments exactly!!!
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