Dang Progressives!!

As early as next week, you and I could reach
the final U.S. Senate showdown on Big Labor's
'Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill' (S. 3194).

In fact, just this week, an International Association of
Fire Fighters union operative told political magazine
The Hill,
"Majority Leader Reid very much wants to bring the bill up."

If passed, S. 3194 could force every police officer
and firefighter in the country under union boss control,
override state and local labor laws across the nation
and lead to mammoth state and local tax hikes.

And your U.S. senators could determine the fate of
this union boss power grab.

It is vital you contact your senators today and demand
a vote against S. 3194 at every opportunity.

You see, the Senate is under enormous pressure from
Big Labor to vote for the
'Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill'.

But you and other citizens who are opposed to forced
unionism can thwart the union bosses' scheme.

That's why it's vital you send your senators
a free action fax IMMEDIATELY and urge opposition
to this toxic union boss power grab.

Big Labor's allies in the U.S. Senate are moving to ram
through the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining
Bill (S. 3194) during a "lame duck" session before newly
elected pro-Right to Work Congressmen and Senators
take office in January.

There's not a moment to lose.
Your senators could be the key vote.

So please, fax your senators IMMEDIATELY
and demand a vote against the Police and
Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill on all votes during
the "lame duck" session that started yesterday, November 15th.

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America

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