Big Government

by Capitol Confidential

Robert Delaney, the Illinois Election Official who refused to mail 1,300 Military Absentee ballots for 14 days beyond the Federal deadline  has a history of disenfranchising voters.  In 2009 Delaney, an active Democrat, was sued by a group of citizens in St. Clair County who claimed he used his office to disenfranchise hundreds of voters in a predominantly African-American community.


According to the complaint, hundreds of letters were mailed to residents of  Alorton, IL.  a community with a 97% African-American population.  The letters informed the recipients that they had to attend a hearing or their voter registration would be canceled, in addition any voter who had already cast an absentee ballot would have their ballot rejected if they did not attend the hearing. The letters were mailed just two  weeks before the April 9, 2009 election.  One of the recipients was Kenneth Chatman, a Trustee of the City of Altoron who was up for re-election.  Chatman and several other plaintiffs, including elderly and bed-ridden individuals, filed a lawsuit.

On April 3, U.S Magistrate Judge Clifford Proud issued an emergency injunction against Delaney and stopped him from suppressing minority voters.

This year, his target is the members of the military who are fighting for our country.  Regarding the current inquiry by the Justice Department into Delaney’s handling of the military ballots he said:

“I really don’t care what the Department of Justice thinks.”

It remains to be seen if the Department of Justice will step in to protect the military voters in Illinois, or if they will continue to protect Democrats who suppress voters.

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  • That is just asinine to say the least.
  • This is a sorry SOB. Somebody needs to talk to him in a manner that he understands.
    • Like maybe a little wall to wall conversation. Semper Fi
  • Of course DOJ will protect Democratic voter fraud just like the protected the New Black Panthers.
  • People need to stay in top of this and let them know that we are watching them. That we will not allow this to happen again. He needs to be brought up on charges and a CGJ to investigate anyone else involved in this. Start putting their feet to the fire and hild them accountable.
    • Who do we write to demanding that Robert Delaney be fired and never allowed to have any job was so ever to do with the elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? Also demanding he be brought up on charges. CAN SOMEONE POST WHERE WE CAN WRITE TO DEMAND THIS??????
  • We need to watch this closely.
  • This is corrupton of the higest order! Robert Delaney should be in prison! If I had my way he would be shot for treason!
    • As long as we keep letting these people who hold positions of criticle importance whithout making examples of those who openly violate one of our most precious rights,we can only expect more of the same.We have to draw
      the line now.
  • A blanket party seems to me to be the answer to this guys intransigence and if his actions continue so should the blanket parties until he gets the message or passes into the hands of the Lord or Old Nick, whichever is his reward.

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