Penned By J.B. Williams
June 19, 2012
Last week I presented a realistic look at Romney’s 2012 chances. That analysis was based solely upon the electoral numbers needed to win and did not factor in the reality that Obama has set land-
In 2010, they ran as freshmen who would challenge the status quo -- but they've done nothing to stop immigration from harming jobless Americans
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Urgent Action |
The Romney campaign has been hitting Newt Gingrich hard over the 1990s ethics case that resulted in the former Speaker being reprimanded and paying a $300,000 penalty. Before the Iowa cau
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Penned by JB Williams - (9/20/11)
As the 2012 election cycle heats up, the most pressing issue facing our nation today is the reinstatement of the U.S. Constitution as the Law of this Land, and the survival of our constitutional re
Read more…The Steele led GOP and main stream media are already trying to run the same crap they have been for years. We The People need to run who we want. So lets get to work.
List men we should vett for POTUS candidates. I would also suggest we should not hav
None of the below get my vote. We have to start getting our own out there. We cannot allow the DNC the GOP nor the msm pick our candidates. This is what they would give us....No good choices.
We must be thinking laterally on who we want to be our next president, there are currently 35 names being thrown around, and men and women of integrity must be promoted and voted for in PRIMARIES and STRAW POLLS, not selected for us. That means we M
Read more…"In most places in the country, voting is looked upon as a right and a duty, but in Chicago it's a sport." Dick Gregory
We have 4 DAYS to place Pollwatchers in as many polling places as possible throughout the state of Illinois.
There are a few lying politicians out there who say that they are being threatened by extremist right wingers. I only wish that it were true. If the elected representatives really feared for their lives they would probably treat their oath to sup
Please help give CA voters some real choices on the ballot.
These candidates need phone callers (I have lists) to ask their voters to sign their petition in leiu of
filing fees to keep their spot on the ballot. We have volunteers going out to voters'
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