Penned By J.B. Williams
June 19, 2012
Last week I presented a realistic look at Romney’s 2012 chances. That analysis was based solely upon the electoral numbers needed to win and did not factor in the reality that Obama has set land-
North Carolina Democrat Jim Turner says he voted four times for Barack Obama already.
He’s determined to vote a fifth time for Obama on election day.
Barricuda Brigadesays they spoke with the man by phone and he confirmed that he wr
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A common attack upon conservatives and republicans by the ultra left is to engage in what has come to be known as "playing the race card" but is more accurately described as racial McCarthyism. Hardl
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Without Labor Unions, There is NO Democrat Party!
Democrats and their labor unions have painted themselves into a corner that they will not be able to escape. Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and other states are about to eliminate public
Read more…In 1983, Ronald Reagan infuriated liberals worldwide by accurately labeling the Soviet Union as the evil empire. George W. Bush received a similar reaction following his “axis of evil” speech in which he used the politica
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American Majority
Author: Anita MonCrief
Despite a tumultuous history of outright racism and an affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, the Democratic party has laid claim to all minorities and become the so-called “champion” of the oppressed. Of course, th
Please join us, help the fundraising effort, and enjoy the weather on The Kennebec River with great patriot Americans. There will be speakers and great music as well!
He's won 14 out of
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